[Python-3000] Array typecode 'w' vs. 'u' and UCS4 builds

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Sat Oct 13 15:38:08 CEST 2007

Travis Oliphant wrote:
> I think it would be feasible, but I'm not sure it is worth it at this 
> point.   My suggestion right now (and what I've done) is to back-out the 
> 'w' typecode for the array module and just leave it as 'u' as before.

Thanks! I've seen that you've also checked in my typecodes addition to
arraymodule.c Do you think it's worth backporting to 2.6?

The table
isn't exactly clear to me. I *guess* 'u' means UCS-2 on all platforms
and builds of Python - even UCS-4 builds - and 'w' is only available on
wide builds. I suggest that you place emphasis on the size to make the
table unambiguous. I know that I'm nit picking but documentation should
be crystal clear. ;)

If I'm correct with my assumption about 'u' and 'w' your suggestion of a
native 'U' could become in handy.


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