[Python-3000] Emacs22 python.el support for py3k

Adam Hupp adam at hupp.org
Tue Oct 2 17:28:19 CEST 2007

On 10/2/07, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> Just curious -- how do python.el and python-mode.el differ?

Off the top of my head:

 * python-mode.el did not play well with transient-mark-mode
(mark-block didn't work).   transient-mark-mode highlights the marked
region and is required for other functions (e.g. comment-dwim).

 * python-mode.el had problems with syntax highlighting in the
presence of triple quoted strings and in comments.  python.el does

 * python.el is supposed to be more consistent with other major modes.
 e.g. M-; for comment.

 * python.el ships with emacs.  There are claims that python-mode.el
was not as well maintained for FSF emacs as XEmacs.

Adam Hupp | http://hupp.org/adam/

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