[Python-3000] Compiling Python 3.0 with VS 2008 Beta2

Joe Smith unknown_kev_cat at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 19 04:34:55 CET 2007

"Christian Heimes" <lists at cheimes.de> wrote in message 
news:fhmkh5$qj8$1 at ger.gmane.org...
> Joe Smith wrote:
>> While ml.exe is intentionally omitted for the express version of Visual 
>> C++,
>> the standard versions of Visual Studio are supposed to include ml.exe.
>> The VS 2008 beta 2 version omitted it by mistake. At the moment there is 
>> no
>> convenient way to get the latest version. This should be fixed for the 
>> final
>> release.
>> (Obviously the older versions still work.)
> The older versions don't work with the latest version of openssl. I
> guess they don't understand SSE2. I had more luck with the free nasm
> assembler from kernel.org.
> Christian

Ok. Your nasm workaround is fine, but ML.exe is definately intended to ship 
with VS 2008.

For the record:
The ml.exe is apparently included in the team edition of the beta, if you 
wanted it, but microsoft has messed up here. Alternatively, one could 
extract version 8 (a slightly out of date version [from VS 2005] but 
including SSE2 support) from the msi included with 
(or copy it from any VS 2005 cd).

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