[Python-3000] Compiling Python 3.0 with VS 2008 Beta2

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Sat Nov 17 12:42:41 CET 2007

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> The "platform" feature didn't exist in VS 2003 (atleast you couldn't
> define new platforms), hence those projects made new configurations.
> In the future, I think we should have only Release and Debug
> configurations, and x86 and x64 platforms, and these in all four
> combinations.

I've tested VS 2008 Beta 2 Express and Standard Edition. I had to
uninstall the Express Edition in order to test the Standard Edition. As
far as I remember the Express Edition does neither ship with the 64bit
compilers nor allows to use the x64 platform.

The standard edition has two platforms: Win32 and x64. I haven't figured
out if its possible to define custom platforms. The x64 platform uses
the amd64 compiler.

> See PC/dllbase_nt.txt. This should be revised to match the current set
> of modules, plus it should be updated for AMD64, as some DLLs become
> larger on AMD64, so that they need more address space than dllbase_nt
> allows for them.

Oh, it's an interesting speed up trick. How was the address table
generated. Lucky guessing and gut feeling? :]


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