[Python-3000] Introduction and request for commit access to the sandbox.

Alexandre Vassalotti alexandre at peadrop.com
Sun May 20 23:28:14 CEST 2007


As some of you may already know, I will be working on Python for this
year Google Summer of Code. My project is to merge the modules with a
dual C and Python implementation, i.e. cPickle/pickle,
cStringIO/StringIO and cProfile/profile [1]. This project is part of
the standard library reorganization for Python 3000 [2]. And my mentor
for this project is Brett Cannon.

So first, let me introduce myself. I am currently a student from
Quebec, Canada. I plan to make a career as a (hopefully good)
programmer. Therefore, I dedicate a lot of my free time contributing
to open source projects, like Ubuntu. I, recently, became interested
by how compilers and interpreters work. So, I started reading Python's
source code, which is one of the most well organized and comprehensive
code base I have seen. This motivated me to start contributing to
Python. However since school kept me fairly busy, I haven't had the
chance to do anything other than providing support to Python's users
in the #python FreeNode IRC channel. This year Summer of Code will
give me the chance to do a significant contribution to Python, and to
get started with Python code development as well.

With that said, I would to request svn access to the sandbox for my
work. I will use this access only for modifying stuff in the directory
I will be assigned to. I would like to use the username "avassalotti"
and the attached SSH2 public key for this access.

One last thing, if you know semantic differences (other than the
obvious ones) between the C and Python versions of the modules I need
to merge, please let know. This will greatly simplify the merge and
reduce the chances of later breaking.

-- Alexandre

.. [1] Abstract of my application, Merge the C and Python
implementations of the same interface
.. [2] PEP 3108, Standard Library Reorganization, Cannon
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