[Python-3000] map, filter, reduce

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Jun 1 19:12:00 CEST 2007

"Jason Orendorff" <jason.orendorff at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:bb8868b90706010905p2dae12b7qc538cf25190c7127 at mail.gmail.com...
| PEP 3100 still isn't clear on the fate of these guys, except that
| reduce() is gone.
| How about moving all three to the functools module instead?

The current reduce is broken due to being a mashing together of two 
versions of the function (one 2 params, the other 3), with the 3-param one 
having an ill-formed signature (inconsistent parameter order) to allow the 
mashing that should not have been done.  (The ill-formed signature is hard 
to remember and is responsible for part of some peoples' dislike of 
reduce.) I would like a proper 3-param version in functools, but have not 
writen the exact proposal yet since library changes have been put off.

I am also thinking about an ireduce, but need to make sure it cannot be 
easily done with current itertools.

Terry Jan Reedy

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