[Python-3000] Announcing PEP 3136

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Tue Jul 3 00:51:41 CEST 2007

On 30/06/2007 22.54, Matt Chisholm wrote:

> I've created and submitted a new PEP proposing support for labels in
> Python's break and continue statements.  Georg Brandl has graciously
> added it to the PEP list as PEP 3136:
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3136/
> I understand that the deadline for submitting features for Python 3.0
> has passed, so this PEP targets Python 3.1.  I also expect that people
> might not want to take time off from the Python 3.0 effort to discuss
> features that are even further off in the future.
> Thanks for your time, and thanks for letting me contribute an idea to
> Python.

I didn't see one simple alternative listed: move everything within a function:

def func():
    for a in a_list:
        for b in b_list:
            if condition1(a, b):
            if condition2(a, b):

Giovanni Bajo

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