[Python-3000] Pleaswe help with the countdown to zero failing tests in the struni branch!

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Aug 8 02:11:53 CEST 2007

Fixed now. This was OSX only due to an endianness issue; but the bug
was universal: we were treating a unicode character using
structmodule's T_CHAR. Since other similar fields of the dialect type
were dealt with properly it seems this was merely an oversight.

On 8/7/07, skip at pobox.com <skip at pobox.com> wrote:
> test_csv got removed from the failing list after Guido applied Adam Hupp's
> patch.  (I checked in a small update for one thing Adam missed.)  I'm still
> getting test failures though:
>     ======================================================================
>     FAIL: test_reader_attrs (__main__.Test_Csv)
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "Lib/test/test_csv.py", line 63, in test_reader_attrs
>         self._test_default_attrs(csv.reader, [])
>       File "Lib/test/test_csv.py", line 47, in _test_default_attrs
>         self.assertEqual(obj.dialect.delimiter, ',')
>     AssertionError: s'\x00' != ','
> This same exception crops up six times.  Maybe this isn't
> str->unicode-related, but it sure seems like it to me.  I spent some time
> over the past few days trying to figure it out, but I struck out.
> Skip
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--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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