[Python-3000] Fixing super anyone?

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sat Apr 21 00:40:18 CEST 2007

No time to respond in kind but feeling general agreement. I hope you &
Jim Jewett (who first volunteered) can work together on the details
for a PEP?

On 4/20/07, Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org> wrote:
> On 4/20/07, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> > On 4/20/07, Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org> wrote:
> > > I've had this near the top of my (Python) TODO list for a while, but I
> > > haven't been able to find the time. I've considered it while doing the
> > > dishes and such, though.
> >
> > (Not in the shower? :-)
> Yes, there too, when I shower alone; I was going to spare everyone the
> visual though :)
> > > I can think of two ways of doing the underlying
> > > magic "properly", and one way that's too ugly to think about:
> > >
> > >  1) Add a new type of descriptor-hook, for associating an object with
> the
> > > class it is an attribute of. After class creation (in the metaclass
> > > __init__), any object with this __associate__ (or whatever) hook gets it
> > > called. It's only called for objects that are attributes of *that*
> class,
> > > not of any superclasses (since they will already be associated with the
> > > superclass.) I'm sure there are other uses for this hook, just not
> methods
> > > that want to use super() -- like zope interfaces ;)
> >
> > Nice and elegant. Though what would the hook *do*? I.e. where does it
> > store the class reference for super to find? Perhaps this is where my
> > idea of a designated cell comes in handy (although you'd end up with a
> > cell per method instead of all methods sharing one cell).
> >
> > Also, what arguments are passed to the hook? For this purpose the
> > class object is the only thing needed -- but is that always
> > sufficient?
> The hook would 'bind' the function to the class -- in some unspecified way.
> Unspecified because I haven't thought that far ahead yet, and I don't forsee
> any particular difficulties. Either the function gets wrapped in an
> 'associated function' type that knows which class it was defined in (so
> somewhat different from the current 'unbound method' type, but not much) or
> we just store the associated-class in the existing function object (probably
> the better option.). In either case we need some new magic to pass this
> class-object to the actual code object, or give the code object a way to
> refer to the function object (sometimes also useful for other reasons; it's
> not an uncommon request, in newbie areas.)
> As for the arguments to this hook -- I guess passing the attribute name as
> well as the class object makes sense. It's not much more overhead, and there
> isn't much more we could sensibly pass that isn't easily available given the
> class object and attribute name.
> Phillip mentioned class decorators -- I'd forgotten about those. I don't see
> much use for them myself, as metaclasses make much more sense to me, in
> particular because they are naturally inherited, whereas class decorators
> are (I assume) not inherited. I'm not sure how they should -- or could --
> work together with super. It would only be a problem if the class decorator
> returns a wrapper class, rather than mutate the class. I guess we'd need a
> way to tell associated-functions "instead of ever visiting this class, visit
> this wrapper class instead. But don't mess with MRO"... I think. I'm not
> entirely sure how class decorators would affect MRO, really.
> > >  2) Add a new argument to __get__ (or a new method that acts like
> __get__
> > > but with the extra argument, and is called instead of __get__ if it is
> > > defined) where the extra argument is the class that the retrieved
> descriptor
> > > is actually an attribute of. It currently (correctly) gets the class the
> > > attribute was retrieved through, which could be a subclass.
> >
> > I'm not so keen on this; calling an existing API with an extra
> > argument is fraught with transitional problems (2to3 notwithstanding).
> > And checking for two different special methods slows things down. I'd
> > propose to pass the class where it's found as the 3rd arg always,
> > since (almost) nobody uses this argument, but I'm not sure of the
> > consequences for class methods.
> The consequence for classmethods would be bad. They would always get the
> class they were defined on as first argument, making them completely
> pointless. So, let's not do that :)
> > (Of course, there's the issue what to do if we dynamically define a
> > new function, and poke it into a class as a method, and that function
> > needs to use super. IMO it's fine to require such a function to use
> > the underlying super() machinery -- this must be an exceedignly rare
> > case!)
> It's easy to handle such cases if we flag super-syntax-using-functions
> specially (which is also easy.) type's __setattr__ can complain if such a
> function gets assigned to an attribute, or it could do the binding magic
> right then. Functions that don't use the super syntax will continue to work
> like usual. And super-syntax-using-functions can scream and shout when they
> get 'associated' with more than one class, of course.
> > > In both these cases, the (un)bound method object would end up with
> knowledge
> > > of the class it is defined in, and create a local variable with a
> > > super-object for the 'super' keyword to use.
> >
> > Ah, so you propose to store it in a local variable. But where is it
> > stored before the function is called? I guess on the "bound method"
> > object. But how is the value passed on as part of the call? I like a
> > cell a lot better because we have an established way to pass cells
> > into calls.
> As I mentioned above, I didn't really think about this part. By 'local
> variable' I just mean that we don't use a global registry or some such ugly
> hack -- it's a reference, stored wherever, specific to that call.
> > > There still are some grey areas
> > > to solve -- what if classes share functions, what if functions share
> > > code-objects, etc. #2 is probably a better way to go about it than #1,
> in
> > > that regard.
> >
> > Sharing functions is very rare and IMO it's okay if the mechanism
> > doesn't work in that case -- as long as it fails loudly. Sharing code
> > objects shouldn't be a problem -- code objects are immutable anyway,
> > cells are associated with the function object, not with the code
> > object.
> Agreed.
> > > There's also the question of what the super keyword itself should look
> like,
> > > e.g.
> > >
> > >   # declaration-style, no dot
> > >   res = super currentmethod(arg, arg)
> > >   # treat super like self
> > >   res = super.currentmethod (arg, arg)
> > >   # treat super like self.currentmethod
> > >   res = super(arg, arg)
> > >
> > > I think super.currentmethod(arg, arg) makes the most sense, but that may
> be
> > > because it most closely resembles the current practice. However, it may
> call
> > > the "wrong" supermethod when the class does, for instance, '__repr__ =
> > > __str__'.
> >
> > Depends on how you define "wrong". :-)
> That's why it's in "quotes" :) No matter what we do, it will always be wrong
> for someone somewhere, I'm sure.
> > I am strongly in favor of super.currentmethod(...) if only because
> > that's closest to how we've always done it, and there may even be a
> > use case for callong some *other* super method.
> I agree. The big downside of thinking of these things off-line (like in the
> shower) is that it's hard to visualize the actual code. The moment I wrote
> down the three alternatives I'd imagined, I realized '
> super.currentmethod()' is the only sane spelling ;)
> --
> Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org>
> Hi! I'm a signature-virus-eating-signature-virus-resistant
> .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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