[Python-3000] some test failures on 64-bit

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 10:49:02 CEST 2007

test_cpickle (probably all the same issue here):
test_xpickle, too

FAIL: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cPickleTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/test/pickletester.py", line
503, in test_ints
    self.assertEqual(expected, n2)
AssertionError: -9223372036854775807 != 1

FAIL: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cPicklePicklerTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/test/pickletester.py", line
503, in test_ints
    self.assertEqual(expected, n2)
AssertionError: -9223372036854775807 != 1

FAIL: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cPickleListPicklerTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/test/pickletester.py", line
503, in test_ints
    self.assertEqual(expected, n2)
AssertionError: -9223372036854775807 != 1

FAIL: test_ints (test.test_cpickle.cPickleFastPicklerTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/test/pickletester.py", line
503, in test_ints
    self.assertEqual(expected, n2)
AssertionError: -9223372036854775807 != 1

test test_gzip failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/test/test_gzip.py", line 77, in
    ztxt = zgfile.read(8192)
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/gzip.py", line 235, in read
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/gzip.py", line 300, in _read
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/gzip.py", line 316, in _read_eof
    crc32 = read32(self.fileobj)
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/gzip.py", line 40, in read32
    return struct.unpack("<l", input.read(4))[0]
  File "/home/neal/python/dev/py3k/Lib/struct.py", line 87, in unpack
    return o.unpack(s)
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

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