[Python-3000] Math in Python 3.0

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun May 14 15:17:02 CEST 2006

Paul Moore wrote:
> (FWIW, I like function overloading, and I'd love to see language or
> stdlib support. I can see the arguments for using it in place of
> existing special methods, but I'm nervous of the extent of that
> change. If I had to decide *right now*, I'd go for adding overloading,
> but retaining special methods where they are currently in use - a
> "practicality beats purity" approach, but possibly too cautious for
> Py3K where the idea should be to avoid worrying about legacy
> issues.......)

I don't think I've ever said it explicitly, but this is pretty much where I'm 
sitting at the moment on the function overloading front - support it, but have 
default implementations for various operations that fall back on the existing 
magic methods.

After all, Py3k's informal motto is "get rid of the accumulated cruft" rather 
than "break the world". Getting rid of the magic methods is a bit too much of 
the latter for my liking :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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