[Python-3000] Requirements for a standard GUI library

Talin talin at acm.org
Thu May 11 07:48:35 CEST 2006

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
> In short, I don't like the chaining effect of wrapper on top of wrapper. 
>   I want to make the connection to platform libraries as simple as 
> possible.   Ultimately, I also think PyGUI should provide a simple 
> look-and-feel of its own as well for situations where there is no 
> "platform" look and feel (i.e. Unix users without either KDE or GNOME 
> and just X11 or some other windowing environment).

Normally, I would agree with you about eliminating "needless 
wrapperism". However, GUIs are one of the few areas where wrappers tend 
to have a fairly small performance impact. The reason for this is 
because the underlying native code is doing most of the heavy lifting, 
and the wrappers are only the tip of the iceberg. Typically, the wrapper 
code only gets run when the user actually does something, like click a 
mouse button; The rest of the time its all native code.

-- Talin

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