[Python-3000] GUI -- an API, not a toolkit

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Wed May 10 08:25:55 CEST 2006

Talin wrote:

> Qt, Java Swing, and .Net Windows.Forms are all examples of what I would 
> consider "good" API designs. All three of them are powerful, 
> comprehensive, and have relatively clean APIs. I would be perfectly 
> satisfied to have the equivalent of any one of them in the Python space.

But none of them have been designed with Python in mind.

In my experience, from a Python perspective, most GUI toolkit
APIs are needlessly complicated due to deficiencies in the
underlying language, such as lack of keyword arguments, or
properties, or introspection, or duck typing, etc. By standing
back and re-thinking the design Pythonically, many things can
be made much simpler.

> (Just so you know where I am coming from - I think I've used almost two 
> dozen different UI frameworks over the years, not counting the half 
> dozen or so I've created for different employers

I've been messing with GUI toolkits for quite a number of
years too, both using and writing them.

People have been asking "Why not copy an existing design?"
Well, I *have* been -- just not any single one. PyGUI is a
distillation of all that I've found to be good in my GUI
experience, plus some ideas of my own, and infused with
a good dose of Pythonicity.


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