[Python-3000] PyGUI in Py3K stdlib, more details

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Mon May 1 18:59:20 CEST 2006

> But PyGUI is not complete. (Greg is one of the people who says this.) And
> I belive that it is just not ready to be the "blessed" Python GUI framework.

I'm suggesting a concerted effort to *make* it complete over the rest
of this year.  Or, if that's for some reason not possible, to pick
some other framework and bless *that*.  I just think PyGUI is the best
available candidate right now.

> Perhaps after a few years more work it will be...

That will be too late to PyGUI to be the standard GUI.  If Py3K is
about getting Python "right", missing the boat on a standard GUI again
is not part of that plan.  If PyGUI isn't in Py3K, something else has
to be.

> By way of illustration, the GUI task I am working
> on at the moment is a tree-view in which individual items and entire branches
> can be selected by clicking checkboxes -- a challenge to most any framework
> I know of. It's not that PyGUI's tree-view component isn't flexible enough,
> PyGUI doesn't even *have* a tree view component.

Interesting.  I never seem to use tree-views, but I do use graph
views.  I think the standard Python GUI should make it easy to build
these kinds of things.  Right now a graph view is fairly easy to build
on top of a raw View.

> Me, I nearly always use
> wxPython (which is TERRIBLE to use, but it usually does what I need).

Even worse for me -- I nearly always use Swing :-).

> What needs to be decided for Py3K is whether to DROP
> support for TK. I am actually mildly in favor of dropping TK support in
> the core if we can make it easy enough to download and install separately.

I can't imagine that we wouldn't drop Tk.


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