[Python-3000] Iterators for dict keys, values, and items == annoying :)

Adam DePrince adam.deprince at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 18:02:13 CET 2006

> Maybe. I need a volunteer to write the PEP!

Title: Mutable Iterations
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: <placeholder>, Adam DePrince <adam.deprince at gmail.com>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards
Content-Type: text/plain
Created: 25-March-2006


    This PEP proposes an extension to the iteration protocol to
    support deletion.  Invocation of the delete method would result in
    the deletion of the corresponding object from the iterations
    underlying data store.

    This PEP further proposes that dict.iter{keys,items,values} be
    removed and the functions dict.{keys,items,values} return iters of
    this new deletable variation, and that the iter prefixed function
    variations be deprecated.

    Support for delete would become an optional component of the iter


    The current dictionary API has separate functions to return lists
    or iters for each of keys, values and items.  This is cumbersome
    and annoying, yet is tolerated because neither alone possesses the
    full functionality desired by the python community.

    The iter variation provides all of the performance advantages
    normally associated with iters; primarily minimal in-flight memory
    consumption.  Its use, however, denies the user the ability to
    mutate the underlying data structure.  Modification of the
    underlying dict results in in a RuntimeError upon the subsequent
    call of iter.next

    The non-iter variation returns a snapshot of the current
    dictionary state stored within a list.  This has the advantage of
    permitting in-situ mutation of the underlying dictionary without
    upsetting the current loop.  The disadvantage is that of
    performance and resource consumption; the portions requested of
    the underlying dictionary could easily exceed marginal memory.

    In many situation, such as with dictionaries that consume
    substantial portion of memory, or dictionary implementations that
    operate out of core, the list variant of these operations is
    effectively unavailable.

    A common programming pattern is to iterate over the elements of a
    dictionary selecting those for removal.  Somewhat less common is
    the insertion of elements during the traversal.  It is the former
    that we seek to address at this time.

    This PEP attempts to merge the benefits of the list and iter
    variants of keys/values/items under a single implementation.


    Example of desired operation:

    >>> d = {'foo':1,'bar':2 }
    >>> i = d.values()
    >>> print i.next()
    >>> i.delete()
    >>> print i.next()
    >>> print d
    >>> print i.next()


    This would require the implementation of a non-rehashing variant
    of dict.__del__.

    It may not be possible to prevent rehashing upon the insertion of
    an element into a dict as it is for a delete, therefore element
    insertion is not being considered at this time.


    Implementation is the style of the JAVA views proposal.  One
    concrete example of a list view superimposed upon a dict.
    Concerns were expressed about the record keeping and computational
    overhead of addressing holes that would appear within the list
    upon insertion and deletion.





    This document has been placed in the public domain.

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