[Python-3000] how about switching to a preprocessor? (Re: A better way to initialize PyTypeObject)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Sat Dec 2 17:12:47 CET 2006

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

 > "Guido van Rossum" <guido at python.org> writes:
 >> - Can't we require a C99 compiler and use C99 struct initialization?
 >> Then the table lines could look like
 >>   tp_new = Noddy_new,
 >>   tp_init = Noddy_init,
 > The C99 syntax is:
 >     .tp_new = Noddy_new,
 >     .tp_init = Noddy_init,

I'm beginning to wonder if a preprocessor isn't the right way to get 
around both the syntax issues related to type objects, and also a bunch 
of other issues that keep cropping up if you're doing serious extension 
development (better code generation for ParseTuple is one of those).  a 
preprocessor would also give us more leeway to tweak the Python/C glue 
layer in future releases.

if done right, the preprocessor would only be required during module 
development; not by people building C extensions.


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