[Python-3000] Droping find/rfind?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Fri Aug 25 15:31:49 CEST 2006

Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

>>> I believe you're thinking about something far more sophisticated than what I'm
>>> suggesting. I'm just talking about a Python data type in a standard library
>>> module that trades off slower performance with smaller strings (due to extra
>>> method call overhead) against improved scalability (due to avoidance of
>>> copying strings around).
>>have you done any benchmarking on this ?
> I've benchmarked string copying via slicing against views implemented using
> buffer().  For certain use patterns, views are absolutely significantly
> faster.

of course, but buffers don't support many string methods, so I'm not sure how
that's applicable to this case.

(and before anyone says "let's fix that, then", please read earlier messages).


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