[Python-3000] Ctypes as cross-interpreter C calling interface

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Fri Aug 11 09:10:01 CEST 2006

Greg Ewing schrieb:
> Paul Prescod wrote:
>> It seems that the emerging 
>> consensus (bar a security question from Guido) is that ctypes it the way 
>> forward for calling C code in Python 3000. I'd like to clarify what this 
>> might mean:
> What's the state of play concerning ctypes support
> on non-x86 platforms?

Pretty good, I would say.  Look, for example, at the buildbots.
Major architectures that are currently *not* supported:

- Linux/BSD/arm (because the libffi/arm doesn't support closures,
  although ctypes on WindowsCE/arm works)
- Windows/AMD64 (This is probably currently not a major platform.
  Sometimes I'm working on a port for this)
- I know that there are some problems on solaris, although the solaris10/sparc
  buildbot does not report probems.

> Until ctypes is uniformly supported on all platforms,
> it can't be considered a complete replacement for
> C-coded extensions (whether handwritten or generated
> by something else).
> --
> Greg


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