[Python-3000] Type Expressions

Talin talin at acm.org
Fri Apr 21 19:12:46 CEST 2006

Guido van Rossum <guido <at> python.org> writes:

> To prevent more abominations like this, let me pronounce that I now
> like the single-star syntax:
>   def foo(a, b, *, x=1, y=2): ...

Thank you :) It was getting pretty strange there.

The variation that I was thinking of was a little shorter, but not
necessarily better:

   def foo( a, b; x=1, y=2 ): ...

BTW I still haven't given up on working on an implementation for
keywords after *args, but it's been going rather slowly due to lack
of time to sit down and focus.

I know you want implementations rather than PEPs at this point,
but if there is a consensus on both the "keywords after *args" and
"keyword only" arguments, I can write up a PEP for that, if that
would be useful.

-- Talin

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