[Python-3000] Python 3000 and the Google Summer of Code

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Apr 18 04:44:42 CEST 2006

"Neal Norwitz" <nnorwitz at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:ee2a432c0604171227y24d94102te2e77a18c0343146 at mail.gmail.com...
> On 4/17/06, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
>> The PyPy group also has a few prospective mentors, projects, and 
>> mentees.
>> On the presumption that PSF coordinating sponsership is not limited to
>> CPython only projects, I forwarded Neal's SoC py-dev post to their list.
> Excellent. I  was thinking about specifically mailing PyPy,
> IronPython, and Jython.
> I think we should support them in addition to CPython.

Your next post answered my question as to mentor eligibility: known of by 
you or two references therefrom.  But back to project eligibility: how far 
beyond direct implementation-related projects?  How about progammer support 
like pylint/pychecker?  Or library extensions like numpy/scipy?  Or 
webframeworks?  Is there a Google page I should read for their views, as 
well as getting yours (and Guido's) as to what PSF wants to sponser?  I 
don't want to mislead people.

> I know what it takes to sign a mentor up.  It's just a link.  I
> haven't publicised it yet.  But I plan to soon.  If you would like to
> craft a nice message I can give you all the info so you can get the
> word out.

I will try to draft something tomorrow (Tues.) with blanks left for missing 

I am curious about last year's results for PSF projects: how many of how 
many actually finished enough to collect the full stipend?  Is there a 
report that I never saw?

Terry Jan Reedy

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