[Python-3000] Draft PEP: Module Initialization and finalization

Thomas Wouters thomas at python.org
Tue Apr 11 23:43:07 CEST 2006

On 4/11/06, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:

[ Bold out-of-the-box thinking on modules by Martin ]

  #define STATE PyModule_STATE(module_slot, struct state)

I wonder if standardization of the struct layout of 'struct state', and the
naming scheme of 'struct state', 'module_slot' and 'STATE' would be
desireable. The state and module_slot structs would be c-file-static, so
naming conflicts shouldn't exist, and it would improve readability the way
Py_VISIT does (IMHO.) In fact, maybe the struct state should just be the
module object, as a C-subclass of the module type? It means a bit more work,
like defining a module struct and a list of members Python classes get
direct access to, but it does close the gap between modules and normal
objects a bit. (At least from C; Python code still has to replace modules by
lookalikes in sys.modules.)

In fact... perhaps module functions should then get the module object as the
first argument (currently unused but always defined)? Then we just need
conceptually-new magic to fetch the right module object when dealing with
methods of types defined in the module (which, I believe, should be pretty

It would be possible to support the existing init<module>
> functions if that is desirable; in that case, nothing
> would change.

I think, for Py3K, we should bite the bullet and not check init<module>.
Extension writers will have to update their init-functions anyway, because
PyImport_InitModule* all changes (I hope!) While we're at it, should
generate the init<module> name (and maybe prototype) by macro instead of
relying on the user to get the naming right? It'd allow easier changing of
the naming and such in the future, but I don't know if that outweighs the
discomfort of hiding function prototypes. Probably not.

Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org>

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