[Python-3000] A few small py3k wishes

Talin talin at acm.org
Mon Apr 3 00:51:53 CEST 2006

Alex Martelli <aleaxit <at> gmail.com> writes:

> for k, v in sorted(d.iteritems()):

Ah, thanks! I didn't know that worked. (The missing piece was
that I wasn't aware that relative comparisons worked on
tuples. I even looked in the library reference manual under
"sequence types")

> A module can be imported several times, from many other modules,  
> although the "import machinery" only LOADS each module once (save for  
> explicit reload(...) calls).  Are you proposing that the symbols  
> being imported by module X should depend on the half-accident of what  
> other module happens to import X _FIRST_?!

No, that's not what I am proposing :) Sorry if my suggestion was
badly worded.

It really has to do more, I think, with how to manage interdependencies
within a large python app, consisting of dozens of source files. Since that's
not a Py3K question, let's agree to discuss that elsewhere...

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