[Python-3000-checkins] r55271 - in python/branches/p3yk: Doc/lib/lib.tex Doc/lib/libjpeg.tex Doc/lib/libpanel.tex Lib/plat-irix6/jpeg.py Lib/plat-irix6/panel.py Lib/plat-irix6/panelparser.py

fred.drake python-3000-checkins at python.org
Fri May 11 19:14:52 CEST 2007

Author: fred.drake
Date: Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
New Revision: 55271

remove jpeg, panel libraries for SGI; there is more IRIX stuff left over,
I guess that should be removed too, but will leave for someone who is sure

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex
--- python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex	Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
@@ -434,9 +434,6 @@
 %\input{libstdwin}              % STDWIN ONLY
 \input{libsun}                  % SUNOS ONLY
 % XXX(nnorwitz): the modules below this comment should be kept.

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libjpeg.tex
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libjpeg.tex	Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{jpeg} ---
-         Read and write JPEG files}
-  \platform{IRIX}
-\modulesynopsis{Read and write image files in compressed JPEG format.}
-The module \module{jpeg} provides access to the jpeg compressor and
-decompressor written by the Independent JPEG Group
-\index{Independent JPEG Group}(IJG). JPEG is a standard for
-compressing pictures; it is defined in ISO 10918.  For details on JPEG
-or the Independent JPEG Group software refer to the JPEG standard or
-the documentation provided with the software.
-A portable interface to JPEG image files is available with the Python
-Imaging Library (PIL) by Fredrik Lundh.  Information on PIL is
-available at \url{http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/}.
-\index{Python Imaging Library}
-\index{PIL (the Python Imaging Library)}
-\index{Lundh, Fredrik}
-The \module{jpeg} module defines an exception and some functions.
-Exception raised by \function{compress()} and \function{decompress()}
-in case of errors.
-\begin{funcdesc}{compress}{data, w, h, b}
-Treat data as a pixmap of width \var{w} and height \var{h}, with
-\var{b} bytes per pixel.  The data is in SGI GL order, so the first
-pixel is in the lower-left corner. This means that \function{gl.lrectread()}
-return data can immediately be passed to \function{compress()}.
-Currently only 1 byte and 4 byte pixels are allowed, the former being
-treated as greyscale and the latter as RGB color.
-\function{compress()} returns a string that contains the compressed
-picture, in JFIF\index{JFIF} format.
-Data is a string containing a picture in JFIF\index{JFIF} format. It
-returns a tuple \code{(\var{data}, \var{width}, \var{height},
-\var{bytesperpixel})}.  Again, the data is suitable to pass to
-\begin{funcdesc}{setoption}{name, value}
-Set various options.  Subsequent \function{compress()} and
-\function{decompress()} calls will use these options.  The following
-options are available:
-  \lineii{'forcegray'}{%
-    Force output to be grayscale, even if input is RGB.}
-  \lineii{'quality'}{%
-    Set the quality of the compressed image to a value between
-    \code{0} and \code{100} (default is \code{75}).  This only affects
-    compression.}
-  \lineii{'optimize'}{%
-    Perform Huffman table optimization.  Takes longer, but results in
-    smaller compressed image.  This only affects compression.}
-  \lineii{'smooth'}{%
-    Perform inter-block smoothing on uncompressed image.  Only useful
-    for low-quality images.  This only affects decompression.}
-  \seetitle{JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard}{The 
-            canonical reference for the JPEG image format, by
-            Pennebaker and Mitchell.}
-  \seetitle[http://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/itu-t81.pdf]{Information
-            Technology - Digital Compression and Coding of
-            Continuous-tone Still Images - Requirements and
-            Guidelines}{The ISO standard for JPEG is also published as
-            ITU T.81.  This is available online in PDF form.}

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libpanel.tex
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libpanel.tex	Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{panel} ---
-         None}
-\strong{Please note:} The FORMS library, to which the
-\code{fl}\refbimodindex{fl} module described above interfaces, is a
-simpler and more accessible user interface library for use with GL
-than the \code{panel} module (besides also being by a Dutch author).
-This module should be used instead of the built-in module
-to interface with the
-\emph{Panel Library}.
-The module is too large to document here in its entirety.
-One interesting function:
-Parses a panel description file containing S-expressions written by the
-\emph{Panel Editor}
-that accompanies the Panel Library and creates the described panels.
-It returns a list of panel objects.
-\warning{The Python interpreter will dump core if you don't create a
-GL window before calling
-\section{\module{panelparser} ---
-         None}
-This module defines a self-contained parser for S-expressions as output
-by the Panel Editor (which is written in Scheme so it can't help writing
-The relevant function is
-which has a file object (not a filename!) as argument and returns a list
-of parsed S-expressions.
-Each S-expression is converted into a Python list, with atoms converted
-to Python strings and sub-expressions (recursively) to Python lists.
-For more details, read the module file.
-% XXXXJH should be funcdesc, I think
-\section{\module{pnl} ---
-         None}
-This module provides access to the
-\emph{Panel Library}
-built by NASA Ames\index{NASA} (to get it, send email to
-\code{panel-request at nas.nasa.gov}).
-All access to it should be done through the standard module
-which transparently exports most functions from
-but redefines
-\warning{The Python interpreter will dump core if you don't create a
-GL window before calling \code{pnl.mkpanel()}.}
-The module is too large to document here in its entirety.

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/plat-irix6/jpeg.py
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/plat-irix6/jpeg.py	Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# Implement 'jpeg' interface using SGI's compression library
-# XXX Options 'smooth' and 'optimize' are ignored.
-# XXX It appears that compressing grayscale images doesn't work right;
-# XXX the resulting file causes weirdness.
-class error(Exception):
-    pass
-options = {'quality': 75, 'optimize': 0, 'smooth': 0, 'forcegray': 0}
-comp = None
-decomp = None
-def compress(imgdata, width, height, bytesperpixel):
-    global comp
-    import cl
-    if comp is None: comp = cl.OpenCompressor(cl.JPEG)
-    if bytesperpixel == 1:
-        format = cl.GRAYSCALE
-    elif bytesperpixel == 4:
-        format = cl.RGBX
-    if options['forcegray']:
-        iformat = cl.GRAYSCALE
-    else:
-        iformat = cl.YUV
-    # XXX How to support 'optimize'?
-    params = [cl.IMAGE_WIDTH, width, cl.IMAGE_HEIGHT, height,
-              cl.ORIGINAL_FORMAT, format,
-              cl.ORIENTATION, cl.BOTTOM_UP,
-              cl.QUALITY_FACTOR, options['quality'],
-              cl.INTERNAL_FORMAT, iformat,
-             ]
-    comp.SetParams(params)
-    jpegdata = comp.Compress(1, imgdata)
-    return jpegdata
-def decompress(jpegdata):
-    global decomp
-    import cl
-    if decomp is None: decomp = cl.OpenDecompressor(cl.JPEG)
-    headersize = decomp.ReadHeader(jpegdata)
-    params = [cl.IMAGE_WIDTH, 0, cl.IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0, cl.INTERNAL_FORMAT, 0]
-    decomp.GetParams(params)
-    width, height, format = params[1], params[3], params[5]
-    if format == cl.GRAYSCALE or options['forcegray']:
-        format = cl.GRAYSCALE
-        bytesperpixel = 1
-    else:
-        format = cl.RGBX
-        bytesperpixel = 4
-    # XXX How to support 'smooth'?
-    params = [cl.ORIGINAL_FORMAT, format,
-              cl.ORIENTATION, cl.BOTTOM_UP,
-              cl.FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, width*height*bytesperpixel]
-    decomp.SetParams(params)
-    imgdata = decomp.Decompress(1, jpegdata)
-    return imgdata, width, height, bytesperpixel
-def setoption(name, value):
-    if type(value) is not type(0):
-        raise TypeError, 'jpeg.setoption: numeric options only'
-    if name == 'forcegrey':
-        name = 'forcegray'
-    if not options.has_key(name):
-        raise KeyError, 'jpeg.setoption: unknown option name'
-    options[name] = int(value)
-def test():
-    import sys
-    if sys.argv[1:2] == ['-g']:
-        del sys.argv[1]
-        setoption('forcegray', 1)
-    if not sys.argv[1:]:
-        sys.argv.append('/usr/local/images/data/jpg/asterix.jpg')
-    for file in sys.argv[1:]:
-        show(file)
-def show(file):
-    import gl, GL, DEVICE
-    jpegdata = open(file, 'r').read()
-    imgdata, width, height, bytesperpixel = decompress(jpegdata)
-    gl.foreground()
-    gl.prefsize(width, height)
-    win = gl.winopen(file)
-    if bytesperpixel == 1:
-        gl.cmode()
-        gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8)
-        gl.gconfig()
-        for i in range(256):
-            gl.mapcolor(i, i, i, i)
-    else:
-        gl.RGBmode()
-        gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32)
-        gl.gconfig()
-    gl.qdevice(DEVICE.REDRAW)
-    gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY)
-    gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT)
-    gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT)
-    gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width-1, height-1, imgdata)
-    while 1:
-        dev, val = gl.qread()
-            break
-        if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW:
-            gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width-1, height-1, imgdata)
-    gl.winclose(win)
-    # Now test the compression and write the result to a fixed filename
-    newjpegdata = compress(imgdata, width, height, bytesperpixel)
-    open('/tmp/j.jpg', 'w').write(newjpegdata)

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/plat-irix6/panel.py
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/plat-irix6/panel.py	Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-# Module 'panel'
-# Support for the Panel library.
-# Uses built-in module 'pnl'.
-# Applications should use 'panel.function' instead of 'pnl.function';
-# most 'pnl' functions are transparently exported by 'panel',
-# but dopanel() is overridden and you have to use this version
-# if you want to use callbacks.
-import pnl
-debug = 0
-# Test if an object is a list.
-def is_list(x):
-    return type(x) == type([])
-# Reverse a list.
-def reverse(list):
-    res = []
-    for item in list:
-        res.insert(0, item)
-    return res
-# Get an attribute of a list, which may itself be another list.
-# Don't use 'prop' for name.
-def getattrlist(list, name):
-    for item in list:
-        if item and is_list(item) and item[0] == name:
-            return item[1:]
-    return []
-# Get a property of a list, which may itself be another list.
-def getproplist(list, name):
-    for item in list:
-        if item and is_list(item) and item[0] == 'prop':
-            if len(item) > 1 and item[1] == name:
-                return item[2:]
-    return []
-# Test if an actuator description contains the property 'end-of-group'
-def is_endgroup(list):
-    x = getproplist(list, 'end-of-group')
-    return (x and x[0] == '#t')
-# Neatly display an actuator definition given as S-expression
-# the prefix string is printed before each line.
-def show_actuator(prefix, a):
-    for item in a:
-        if not is_list(item):
-            print(prefix, item)
-        elif item and item[0] == 'al':
-            print(prefix, 'Subactuator list:')
-            for a in item[1:]:
-                show_actuator(prefix + '    ', a)
-        elif len(item) == 2:
-            print(prefix, item[0], '=>', item[1])
-        elif len(item) == 3 and item[0] == 'prop':
-            print(prefix, 'Prop', item[1], '=>', end=' ')
-            print(item[2])
-        else:
-            print(prefix, '?', item)
-# Neatly display a panel.
-def show_panel(prefix, p):
-    for item in p:
-        if not is_list(item):
-            print(prefix, item)
-        elif item and item[0] == 'al':
-            print(prefix, 'Actuator list:')
-            for a in item[1:]:
-                show_actuator(prefix + '    ', a)
-        elif len(item) == 2:
-            print(prefix, item[0], '=>', item[1])
-        elif len(item) == 3 and item[0] == 'prop':
-            print(prefix, 'Prop', item[1], '=>', end=' ')
-            print(item[2])
-        else:
-            print(prefix, '?', item)
-# Exception raised by build_actuator or build_panel.
-panel_error = 'panel error'
-# Dummy callback used to initialize the callbacks.
-def dummy_callback(arg):
-    pass
-# Assign attributes to members of the target.
-# Attribute names in exclist are ignored.
-# The member name is the attribute name prefixed with the prefix.
-def assign_members(target, attrlist, exclist, prefix):
-    for item in attrlist:
-        if is_list(item) and len(item) == 2 and item[0] not in exclist:
-            name, value = item[0], item[1]
-            ok = 1
-            if value[0] in '-0123456789':
-                value = eval(value)
-            elif value[0] == '"':
-                value = value[1:-1]
-            elif value == 'move-then-resize':
-                # Strange default set by Panel Editor...
-                ok = 0
-            else:
-                print('unknown value', value, 'for', name)
-                ok = 0
-            if ok:
-                lhs = 'target.' + prefix + name
-                stmt = lhs + '=' + repr(value)
-                if debug: print('exec', stmt)
-                try:
-                    exec(stmt + '\n')
-                except KeyboardInterrupt: # Don't catch this!
-                    raise KeyboardInterrupt
-                except:
-                    print('assign failed:', stmt)
-# Build a real actuator from an actuator description.
-# Return a pair (actuator, name).
-def build_actuator(descr):
-    namelist = getattrlist(descr, 'name')
-    if namelist:
-        # Assume it is a string
-        actuatorname = namelist[0][1:-1]
-    else:
-        actuatorname = ''
-    type = descr[0]
-    if type[:4] == 'pnl_': type = type[4:]
-    act = pnl.mkact(type)
-    act.downfunc = act.activefunc = act.upfunc = dummy_callback
-    #
-    assign_members(act, descr[1:], ['al', 'data', 'name'], '')
-    #
-    # Treat actuator-specific data
-    #
-    datalist = getattrlist(descr, 'data')
-    prefix = ''
-    if type[-4:] == 'puck':
-        prefix = 'puck_'
-    elif type == 'mouse':
-        prefix = 'mouse_'
-    assign_members(act, datalist, [], prefix)
-    #
-    return act, actuatorname
-# Build all sub-actuators and add them to the super-actuator.
-# The super-actuator must already have been added to the panel.
-# Sub-actuators with defined names are added as members to the panel
-# so they can be referenced as p.name.
-# Note: I have no idea how panel.endgroup() works when applied
-# to a sub-actuator.
-def build_subactuators(panel, super_act, al):
-    #
-    # This is nearly the same loop as below in build_panel(),
-    # except a call is made to addsubact() instead of addact().
-    #
-    for a in al:
-        act, name = build_actuator(a)
-        act.addsubact(super_act)
-        if name:
-            stmt = 'panel.' + name + ' = act'
-            if debug: print('exec', stmt)
-            exec(stmt + '\n')
-        if is_endgroup(a):
-            panel.endgroup()
-        sub_al = getattrlist(a, 'al')
-        if sub_al:
-            build_subactuators(panel, act, sub_al)
-    #
-    # Fix the actuator to which whe just added subactuators.
-    # This can't hurt (I hope) and is needed for the scroll actuator.
-    #
-    super_act.fixact()
-# Build a real panel from a panel definition.
-# Return a panel object p, where for each named actuator a, p.name is a
-# reference to a.
-def build_panel(descr):
-    #
-    # Sanity check
-    #
-    if (not descr) or descr[0] != 'panel':
-        raise panel_error, 'panel description must start with "panel"'
-    #
-    if debug: show_panel('', descr)
-    #
-    # Create an empty panel
-    #
-    panel = pnl.mkpanel()
-    #
-    # Assign panel attributes
-    #
-    assign_members(panel, descr[1:], ['al'], '')
-    #
-    # Look for actuator list
-    #
-    al = getattrlist(descr, 'al')
-    #
-    # The order in which actuators are created is important
-    # because of the endgroup() operator.
-    # Unfortunately the Panel Editor outputs the actuator list
-    # in reverse order, so we reverse it here.
-    #
-    al = reverse(al)
-    #
-    for a in al:
-        act, name = build_actuator(a)
-        act.addact(panel)
-        if name:
-            stmt = 'panel.' + name + ' = act'
-            exec(stmt + '\n')
-        if is_endgroup(a):
-            panel.endgroup()
-        sub_al = getattrlist(a, 'al')
-        if sub_al:
-            build_subactuators(panel, act, sub_al)
-    #
-    return panel
-# Wrapper around pnl.dopanel() which calls call-back functions.
-def my_dopanel():
-    # Extract only the first 4 elements to allow for future expansion
-    a, down, active, up = pnl.dopanel()[:4]
-    if down:
-        down.downfunc(down)
-    if active:
-        active.activefunc(active)
-    if up:
-        up.upfunc(up)
-    return a
-# Create one or more panels from a description file (S-expressions)
-# generated by the Panel Editor.
-def defpanellist(file):
-    import panelparser
-    descrlist = panelparser.parse_file(open(file, 'r'))
-    panellist = []
-    for descr in descrlist:
-        panellist.append(build_panel(descr))
-    return panellist
-# Import everything from built-in method pnl, so the user can always
-# use panel.foo() instead of pnl.foo().
-# This gives *no* performance penalty once this module is imported.
-from pnl import *                       # for export
-dopanel = my_dopanel                    # override pnl.dopanel

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/plat-irix6/panelparser.py
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/plat-irix6/panelparser.py	Fri May 11 19:14:47 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Module 'parser'
-# Parse S-expressions output by the Panel Editor
-# (which is written in Scheme so it can't help writing S-expressions).
-# See notes at end of file.
-whitespace = ' \t\n'
-operators = '()\''
-separators = operators + whitespace + ';' + '"'
-# Tokenize a string.
-# Return a list of tokens (strings).
-def tokenize_string(s):
-    tokens = []
-    while s:
-        c = s[:1]
-        if c in whitespace:
-            s = s[1:]
-        elif c == ';':
-            s = ''
-        elif c == '"':
-            n = len(s)
-            i = 1
-            while i < n:
-                c = s[i]
-                i = i+1
-                if c == '"': break
-                if c == '\\': i = i+1
-            tokens.append(s[:i])
-            s = s[i:]
-        elif c in operators:
-            tokens.append(c)
-            s = s[1:]
-        else:
-            n = len(s)
-            i = 1
-            while i < n:
-                if s[i] in separators: break
-                i = i+1
-            tokens.append(s[:i])
-            s = s[i:]
-    return tokens
-# Tokenize a whole file (given as file object, not as file name).
-# Return a list of tokens (strings).
-def tokenize_file(fp):
-    tokens = []
-    while 1:
-        line = fp.readline()
-        if not line: break
-        tokens = tokens + tokenize_string(line)
-    return tokens
-# Exception raised by parse_exr.
-syntax_error = 'syntax error'
-# Parse an S-expression.
-# Input is a list of tokens as returned by tokenize_*().
-# Return a pair (expr, tokens)
-# where expr is a list representing the s-expression,
-# and tokens contains the remaining tokens.
-# May raise syntax_error.
-def parse_expr(tokens):
-    if (not tokens) or tokens[0] != '(':
-        raise syntax_error, 'expected "("'
-    tokens = tokens[1:]
-    expr = []
-    while 1:
-        if not tokens:
-            raise syntax_error, 'missing ")"'
-        if tokens[0] == ')':
-            return expr, tokens[1:]
-        elif tokens[0] == '(':
-            subexpr, tokens = parse_expr(tokens)
-            expr.append(subexpr)
-        else:
-            expr.append(tokens[0])
-            tokens = tokens[1:]
-# Parse a file (given as file object, not as file name).
-# Return a list of parsed S-expressions found at the top level.
-def parse_file(fp):
-    tokens = tokenize_file(fp)
-    exprlist = []
-    while tokens:
-        expr, tokens = parse_expr(tokens)
-        exprlist.append(expr)
-    return exprlist
-# The input
-#       '(hip (hop hur-ray))'
-# passed to tokenize_string() returns the token list
-#       ['(', 'hip', '(', 'hop', 'hur-ray', ')', ')']
-# When this is passed to parse_expr() it returns the expression
-#       ['hip', ['hop', 'hur-ray']]
-# plus an empty token list (because there are no tokens left.
-# When a file containing the example is passed to parse_file() it returns
-# a list whose only element is the output of parse_expr() above:
-#       [['hip', ['hop', 'hur-ray']]]
-# Comments start with semicolon (;) and continue till the end of the line.
-# Tokens are separated by whitespace, except the following characters
-# always form a separate token (outside strings):
-#       ( ) '
-# Strings are enclosed in double quotes (") and backslash (\) is used
-# as escape character in strings.

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