[Python-3000-checkins] r55742 - in python/branches/p3yk: Doc/Makefile.deps Doc/lib/lib.tex Doc/lib/libposixfile.tex Lib/posixfile.py Lib/test/test_sundry.py Misc/cheatsheet

neal.norwitz python-3000-checkins at python.org
Sat Jun 2 09:51:45 CEST 2007

Author: neal.norwitz
Date: Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
New Revision: 55742

Remove posixfile module (plus some remnants of other modules).

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Doc/Makefile.deps
--- python/branches/p3yk/Doc/Makefile.deps	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Doc/Makefile.deps	Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@
 	lib/libgdbm.tex \
 	lib/libtermios.tex \
 	lib/libfcntl.tex \
-	lib/libposixfile.tex \
 	lib/libsyslog.tex \
 	lib/liblogging.tex \
 	lib/libpdb.tex \

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex
--- python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex	Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
@@ -263,7 +263,6 @@

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libposixfile.tex
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libposixfile.tex	Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-% Manual text and implementation by Jaap Vermeulen
-\section{\module{posixfile} ---
-         File-like objects with locking support}
-  \platform{Unix}
-\modulesynopsis{A file-like object with support for locking.}
-\moduleauthor{Jaap Vermeulen}{}
-\sectionauthor{Jaap Vermeulen}{}
-\indexii{\POSIX}{file object}
-\deprecated{1.5}{The locking operation that this module provides is
-done better and more portably by the
-\function{\refmodule{fcntl}.lockf()} call.
-\withsubitem{(in module fcntl)}{\ttindex{lockf()}}}
-This module implements some additional functionality over the built-in
-file objects.  In particular, it implements file locking, control over
-the file flags, and an easy interface to duplicate the file object.
-The module defines a new file object, the posixfile object.  It
-has all the standard file object methods and adds the methods
-described below.  This module only works for certain flavors of
-\UNIX, since it uses \function{fcntl.fcntl()} for file locking.%
-\withsubitem{(in module fcntl)}{\ttindex{fcntl()}}
-To instantiate a posixfile object, use the \function{open()} function
-in the \module{posixfile} module.  The resulting object looks and
-feels roughly the same as a standard file object.
-The \module{posixfile} module defines the following constants:
-Offset is calculated from the start of the file.
-Offset is calculated from the current position in the file.
-Offset is calculated from the end of the file.
-The \module{posixfile} module defines the following functions:
-\begin{funcdesc}{open}{filename\optional{, mode\optional{, bufsize}}}
- Create a new posixfile object with the given filename and mode.  The
- \var{filename}, \var{mode} and \var{bufsize} arguments are
- interpreted the same way as by the built-in \function{open()}
- function.
- Create a new posixfile object with the given standard file object.
- The resulting object has the same filename and mode as the original
- file object.
-The posixfile object defines the following additional methods:
-\begin{methoddesc}[posixfile]{lock}{fmt, \optional{len\optional{, start\optional{, whence}}}}
- Lock the specified section of the file that the file object is
- referring to.  The format is explained
- below in a table.  The \var{len} argument specifies the length of the
- section that should be locked. The default is \code{0}. \var{start}
- specifies the starting offset of the section, where the default is
- \code{0}.  The \var{whence} argument specifies where the offset is
- relative to. It accepts one of the constants \constant{SEEK_SET},
- \constant{SEEK_CUR} or \constant{SEEK_END}.  The default is
- \constant{SEEK_SET}.  For more information about the arguments refer
- to the \manpage{fcntl}{2} manual page on your system.
- Set the specified flags for the file that the file object is referring
- to.  The new flags are ORed with the old flags, unless specified
- otherwise.  The format is explained below in a table.  Without
- the \var{flags} argument
- a string indicating the current flags is returned (this is
- the same as the \samp{?} modifier).  For more information about the
- flags refer to the \manpage{fcntl}{2} manual page on your system.
- Duplicate the file object and the underlying file pointer and file
- descriptor.  The resulting object behaves as if it were newly
- opened.
- Duplicate the file object and the underlying file pointer and file
- descriptor.  The new object will have the given file descriptor.
- Otherwise the resulting object behaves as if it were newly opened.
- Return the standard file object that the posixfile object is based
- on.  This is sometimes necessary for functions that insist on a
- standard file object.
-All methods raise \exception{IOError} when the request fails.
-Format characters for the \method{lock()} method have the following
-  \lineii{u}{unlock the specified region}
-  \lineii{r}{request a read lock for the specified section}
-  \lineii{w}{request a write lock for the specified section}
-In addition the following modifiers can be added to the format:
-  \lineiii{|}{wait until the lock has been granted}{}
-  \lineiii{?}{return the first lock conflicting with the requested lock, or
-              \code{None} if there is no conflict.}{(1)} 
-\item[(1)] The lock returned is in the format \code{(\var{mode}, \var{len},
-\var{start}, \var{whence}, \var{pid})} where \var{mode} is a character
-representing the type of lock ('r' or 'w').  This modifier prevents a
-request from being granted; it is for query purposes only.
-Format characters for the \method{flags()} method have the following
-  \lineii{a}{append only flag}
-  \lineii{c}{close on exec flag}
-  \lineii{n}{no delay flag (also called non-blocking flag)}
-  \lineii{s}{synchronization flag}
-In addition the following modifiers can be added to the format:
-  \lineiii{!}{turn the specified flags 'off', instead of the default 'on'}{(1)}
-  \lineiii{=}{replace the flags, instead of the default 'OR' operation}{(1)}
-  \lineiii{?}{return a string in which the characters represent the flags that
-  are set.}{(2)}
-\item[(1)] The \samp{!} and \samp{=} modifiers are mutually exclusive.
-\item[(2)] This string represents the flags after they may have been altered
-by the same call.
-import posixfile
-file = posixfile.open('/tmp/test', 'w')

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/posixfile.py
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/posixfile.py	Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-"""Extended file operations available in POSIX.
-f = posixfile.open(filename, [mode, [bufsize]])
-      will create a new posixfile object
-f = posixfile.fileopen(fileobject)
-      will create a posixfile object from a builtin file object
-      will return the original builtin file object
-      will return a new file object based on a new filedescriptor
-      will return a new file object based on the given filedescriptor
-      will turn on the associated flag (merge)
-      mode can contain the following characters:
-  (character representing a flag)
-      a       append only flag
-      c       close on exec flag
-      n       no delay flag
-      s       synchronization flag
-  (modifiers)
-      !       turn flags 'off' instead of default 'on'
-      =       copy flags 'as is' instead of default 'merge'
-      ?       return a string in which the characters represent the flags
-              that are set
-      note: - the '!' and '=' modifiers are mutually exclusive.
-            - the '?' modifier will return the status of the flags after they
-              have been changed by other characters in the mode string
-f.lock(mode [, len [, start [, whence]]])
-      will (un)lock a region
-      mode can contain the following characters:
-  (character representing type of lock)
-      u       unlock
-      r       read lock
-      w       write lock
-  (modifiers)
-      |       wait until the lock can be granted
-      ?       return the first lock conflicting with the requested lock
-              or 'None' if there is no conflict. The lock returned is in the
-              format (mode, len, start, whence, pid) where mode is a
-              character representing the type of lock ('r' or 'w')
-      note: - the '?' modifier prevents a region from being locked; it is
-              query only
-import warnings
-warnings.warn("The posixfile module is deprecated; "
-                "fcntl.lockf() provides better locking", DeprecationWarning, 2)
-class _posixfile_:
-    """File wrapper class that provides extra POSIX file routines."""
-    states = ['open', 'closed']
-    #
-    # Internal routines
-    #
-    def __repr__(self):
-        file = self._file_
-        return "<%s posixfile '%s', mode '%s' at %s>" % \
-                (self.states[file.closed], file.name, file.mode, \
-                 hex(id(self))[2:])
-    #
-    # Initialization routines
-    #
-    def open(self, name, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
-        import __builtin__
-        return self.fileopen(__builtin__.open(name, mode, bufsize))
-    def fileopen(self, file):
-        import types
-        if repr(type(file)) != "<type 'file'>":
-            raise TypeError, 'posixfile.fileopen() arg must be file object'
-        self._file_  = file
-        # Copy basic file methods
-        for maybemethod in dir(file):
-            if not maybemethod.startswith('_'):
-                attr = getattr(file, maybemethod)
-                if isinstance(attr, types.BuiltinMethodType):
-                    setattr(self, maybemethod, attr)
-        return self
-    #
-    # New methods
-    #
-    def file(self):
-        return self._file_
-    def dup(self):
-        import posix
-        if not hasattr(posix, 'fdopen'):
-            raise AttributeError, 'dup() method unavailable'
-        return posix.fdopen(posix.dup(self._file_.fileno()), self._file_.mode)
-    def dup2(self, fd):
-        import posix
-        if not hasattr(posix, 'fdopen'):
-            raise AttributeError, 'dup() method unavailable'
-        posix.dup2(self._file_.fileno(), fd)
-        return posix.fdopen(fd, self._file_.mode)
-    def flags(self, *which):
-        import fcntl, os
-        if which:
-            if len(which) > 1:
-                raise TypeError, 'Too many arguments'
-            which = which[0]
-        else: which = '?'
-        l_flags = 0
-        if 'n' in which: l_flags = l_flags | os.O_NDELAY
-        if 'a' in which: l_flags = l_flags | os.O_APPEND
-        if 's' in which: l_flags = l_flags | os.O_SYNC
-        file = self._file_
-        if '=' not in which:
-            cur_fl = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
-            if '!' in which: l_flags = cur_fl & ~ l_flags
-            else: l_flags = cur_fl | l_flags
-        l_flags = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, l_flags)
-        if 'c' in which:
-            arg = ('!' not in which)    # 0 is don't, 1 is do close on exec
-            l_flags = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, arg)
-        if '?' in which:
-            which = ''                  # Return current flags
-            l_flags = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
-            if os.O_APPEND & l_flags: which = which + 'a'
-            if fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD, 0) & 1:
-                which = which + 'c'
-            if os.O_NDELAY & l_flags: which = which + 'n'
-            if os.O_SYNC & l_flags: which = which + 's'
-            return which
-    def lock(self, how, *args):
-        import struct, fcntl
-        if 'w' in how: l_type = fcntl.F_WRLCK
-        elif 'r' in how: l_type = fcntl.F_RDLCK
-        elif 'u' in how: l_type = fcntl.F_UNLCK
-        else: raise TypeError, 'no type of lock specified'
-        if '|' in how: cmd = fcntl.F_SETLKW
-        elif '?' in how: cmd = fcntl.F_GETLK
-        else: cmd = fcntl.F_SETLK
-        l_whence = 0
-        l_start = 0
-        l_len = 0
-        if len(args) == 1:
-            l_len = args[0]
-        elif len(args) == 2:
-            l_len, l_start = args
-        elif len(args) == 3:
-            l_len, l_start, l_whence = args
-        elif len(args) > 3:
-            raise TypeError, 'too many arguments'
-        # Hack by davem at magnet.com to get locking to go on freebsd;
-        # additions for AIX by Vladimir.Marangozov at imag.fr
-        import sys, os
-        if sys.platform in ('netbsd1',
-                            'openbsd2',
-                            'freebsd2', 'freebsd3', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5',
-                            'freebsd6', 'freebsd7',
-                            'bsdos2', 'bsdos3', 'bsdos4'):
-            flock = struct.pack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', \
-                  l_start, l_len, os.getpid(), l_type, l_whence)
-        elif sys.platform in ('aix3', 'aix4'):
-            flock = struct.pack('hhlllii', \
-                  l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0, 0)
-        else:
-            flock = struct.pack('hhllhh', \
-                  l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0)
-        flock = fcntl.fcntl(self._file_.fileno(), cmd, flock)
-        if '?' in how:
-            if sys.platform in ('netbsd1',
-                                'openbsd2',
-                                'freebsd2', 'freebsd3', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5',
-                                'bsdos2', 'bsdos3', 'bsdos4'):
-                l_start, l_len, l_pid, l_type, l_whence = \
-                    struct.unpack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', flock)
-            elif sys.platform in ('aix3', 'aix4'):
-                l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid, l_vfs = \
-                    struct.unpack('hhlllii', flock)
-            elif sys.platform == "linux2":
-                l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_pid, l_sysid = \
-                    struct.unpack('hhllhh', flock)
-            else:
-                l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid = \
-                    struct.unpack('hhllhh', flock)
-            if l_type != fcntl.F_UNLCK:
-                if l_type == fcntl.F_RDLCK:
-                    return 'r', l_len, l_start, l_whence, l_pid
-                else:
-                    return 'w', l_len, l_start, l_whence, l_pid
-def open(name, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
-    """Public routine to open a file as a posixfile object."""
-    return _posixfile_().open(name, mode, bufsize)
-def fileopen(file):
-    """Public routine to get a posixfile object from a Python file object."""
-    return _posixfile_().fileopen(file)
-# Constants
-# End of posixfile.py

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/test_sundry.py
--- python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/test_sundry.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/test_sundry.py	Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
 import warnings
 with guard_warnings_filter():
-    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r".*posixfile",
-                            DeprecationWarning)
     from test.test_support import verbose
     import BaseHTTPServer
@@ -41,7 +38,6 @@
     import pdb
     import pipes
     #import poplib
-    import posixfile
     import pstats
     import py_compile
     import pydoc

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Misc/cheatsheet
--- python/branches/p3yk/Misc/cheatsheet	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Misc/cheatsheet	Sat Jun  2 09:51:44 2007
@@ -1845,7 +1845,6 @@
 dumbdbm          A dumb and slow but simple dbm clone.
 [DEL:dump:DEL]   [DEL:Print python code that reconstructs a variable.:DEL]
 email            Comprehensive support for internet email.
-exceptions       Class based built-in exception hierarchy.
 filecmp          File comparison.
 fileinput        Helper class to quickly write a loop over all standard input
@@ -1860,7 +1859,6 @@
 getpass          Utilities to get a password and/or the current user name.
 glob             filename globbing.
-gopherlib        Gopher protocol client interface.
 [DEL:grep:DEL]   [DEL:'grep' utilities.:DEL]
 gzip             Read & write gzipped files.
 heapq            Priority queue implemented using lists organized as heaps.
@@ -1875,7 +1873,6 @@
 imputil          Privides a way of writing customised import hooks.
 inspect          Tool for probing live Python objects.
 keyword          List of Python keywords.
-knee             A Python re-implementation of hierarchical module import.
 linecache        Cache lines from files.
 linuxaudiodev    Lunix /dev/audio support.
 locale           Support for number formatting using the current locale
@@ -1888,8 +1885,6 @@
 mhlib            MH (mailbox) interface.
 mimetools        Various tools used by MIME-reading or MIME-writing programs.
 mimetypes        Guess the MIME type of a file.
-MimeWriter       Generic MIME writer.
-mimify           Mimification and unmimification of mail messages.
 mmap             Interface to memory-mapped files - they behave like mutable
 multifile        Class to make multi-file messages easier to handle.
@@ -1908,7 +1903,6 @@
 pipes            Conversion pipeline templates.
 pkgunil          Utilities for working with Python packages.
 poplib           A POP3 client class. Based on the J. Myers POP3 draft.
-posixfile        Extended (posix) file operations.
 posixpath        Common operations on POSIX pathnames.
 pprint           Support to pretty-print lists, tuples, & dictionaries
@@ -1921,7 +1915,6 @@
 pyclbr           Parse a Python file and retrieve classes and methods.
 Queue            A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue.
 quopri           Conversions to/from quoted-printable transport encoding.
-rand             Don't use unless you want compatibility with C's rand().
 random           Random variable generators
 re               Regular Expressions.
 repr             Redo repr() but with limits on most sizes.
@@ -1930,7 +1923,6 @@
 rlcompleter      Word completion for GNU readline 2.0.
 robotparser      Parse robots.txt files, useful for web spiders.
 sched            A generally useful event scheduler class.
-sets             Module for a set datatype.
 sgmllib          A parser for SGML.
 shelve           Manage shelves of pickled objects.
 shlex            Lexical analyzer class for simple shell-like syntaxes.
@@ -1942,7 +1934,6 @@
 sndhdr           Several routines that help recognizing sound.
 SocketServer     Generic socket server classes.
 stat             Constants and functions for interpreting stat/lstat struct.
-statcache        Maintain a cache of file stats.
 statvfs          Constants for interpreting statvfs struct as returned by
                  os.statvfs()and os.fstatvfs() (if they exist).
 string           A collection of string operations.

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