[Python-3000-checkins] r54852 - in python/branches/p3yk: Doc/howto/regex.tex Doc/lib/lib.tex Doc/lib/libxmllib.tex Lib/test/test_xmllib.py Lib/test/xmltests.py Lib/xmllib.py

neal.norwitz python-3000-checkins at python.org
Tue Apr 17 10:40:03 CEST 2007

Author: neal.norwitz
Date: Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
New Revision: 54852

Remove the xmllib module that was obsolete.

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Doc/howto/regex.tex
--- python/branches/p3yk/Doc/howto/regex.tex	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Doc/howto/regex.tex	Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
@@ -522,8 +522,7 @@
 contains a lot of regular expressions, or re-uses the same ones in
 several locations, then it might be worthwhile to collect all the
 definitions in one place, in a section of code that compiles all the
-REs ahead of time.  To take an example from the standard library,
-here's an extract from \file{xmllib.py}:
+REs ahead of time.  To take an example from the standard library:
 ref = re.compile( ... )

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex
--- python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/lib.tex	Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@
-% \input{libxmllib}
 \input{fileformats}		% Miscellaneous file formats

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libxmllib.tex
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Doc/lib/libxmllib.tex	Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-\section{\module{xmllib} ---
-         A parser for XML documents}
-\modulesynopsis{A parser for XML documents.}
-\moduleauthor{Sjoerd Mullender}{Sjoerd.Mullender at cwi.nl}
-\sectionauthor{Sjoerd Mullender}{Sjoerd.Mullender at cwi.nl}
-\index{Extensible Markup Language}
-\deprecated{2.0}{Use \refmodule{xml.sax} instead.  The newer XML
-                 package includes full support for XML 1.0.}
-\versionchanged[Added namespace support]{1.5.2}
-This module defines a class \class{XMLParser} which serves as the basis 
-for parsing text files formatted in XML (Extensible Markup Language).
-The \class{XMLParser} class must be instantiated without
-arguments.\footnote{Actually, a number of keyword arguments are
-recognized which influence the parser to accept certain non-standard
-constructs.  The following keyword arguments are currently
-recognized.  The defaults for all of these is \code{0} (false) except
-for the last one for which the default is \code{1} (true).
-\var{accept_unquoted_attributes} (accept certain attribute values
-without requiring quotes), \var{accept_missing_endtag_name} (accept
-end tags that look like \code{</>}), \var{map_case} (map upper case to
-lower case in tags and attributes), \var{accept_utf8} (allow UTF-8
-characters in input; this is required according to the XML standard,
-but Python does not as yet deal properly with these characters, so
-this is not the default), \var{translate_attribute_references} (don't
-attempt to translate character and entity references in attribute values).}
-This class provides the following interface methods and instance variables:
-A mapping of element names to mappings.  The latter mapping maps
-attribute names that are valid for the element to the default value of 
-the attribute, or if there is no default to \code{None}.  The default
-value is the empty dictionary.  This variable is meant to be
-overridden, not extended since the default is shared by all instances
-of \class{XMLParser}.
-A mapping of element names to tuples.  The tuples contain a function
-for handling the start and end tag respectively of the element, or
-\code{None} if the method \method{unknown_starttag()} or
-\method{unknown_endtag()} is to be called.  The default value is the
-empty dictionary.  This variable is meant to be overridden, not
-extended since the default is shared by all instances of
-A mapping of entitynames to their values.  The default value contains
-definitions for \code{'lt'}, \code{'gt'}, \code{'amp'}, \code{'quot'}, 
-and \code{'apos'}.
-Reset the instance.  Loses all unprocessed data.  This is called
-implicitly at the instantiation time.
-Stop processing tags.  Treat all following input as literal input
-Enter literal mode (CDATA mode).  This mode is automatically exited
-when the close tag matching the last unclosed open tag is encountered.
-Feed some text to the parser.  It is processed insofar as it consists
-of complete tags; incomplete data is buffered until more data is
-fed or \method{close()} is called.
-Force processing of all buffered data as if it were followed by an
-end-of-file mark.  This method may be redefined by a derived class to
-define additional processing at the end of the input, but the
-redefined version should always call \method{close()}.
-Translate all entity and character references in \var{data} and
-return the translated string.
-Return a mapping of namespace abbreviations to namespace URIs that are
-currently in effect.
-\begin{methoddesc}{handle_xml}{encoding, standalone}
-This method is called when the \samp{<?xml ...?>} tag is processed.
-The arguments are the values of the encoding and standalone attributes 
-in the tag.  Both encoding and standalone are optional.  The values
-passed to \method{handle_xml()} default to \code{None} and the string
-\code{'no'} respectively.
-\begin{methoddesc}{handle_doctype}{tag, pubid, syslit, data}
-This\index{DOCTYPE declaration} method is called when the
-\samp{<!DOCTYPE...>} declaration is processed.  The arguments are the
-tag name of the root element, the Formal Public\index{Formal Public
-Identifier} Identifier (or \code{None} if not specified), the system
-identifier, and the uninterpreted contents of the internal DTD subset
-as a string (or \code{None} if not present).
-\begin{methoddesc}{handle_starttag}{tag, method, attributes}
-This method is called to handle start tags for which a start tag
-handler is defined in the instance variable \member{elements}.  The
-\var{tag} argument is the name of the tag, and the
-\var{method} argument is the function (method) which should be used to
-support semantic interpretation of the start tag.  The
-\var{attributes} argument is a dictionary of attributes, the key being
-the \var{name} and the value being the \var{value} of the attribute
-found inside the tag's \code{<>} brackets.  Character and entity
-references in the \var{value} have been interpreted.  For instance,
-for the start tag \code{<A HREF="http://www.cwi.nl/">}, this method
-would be called as \code{handle_starttag('A', self.elements['A'][0],
-\{'HREF': 'http://www.cwi.nl/'\})}.  The base implementation simply
-calls \var{method} with \var{attributes} as the only argument.
-\begin{methoddesc}{handle_endtag}{tag, method}
-This method is called to handle endtags for which an end tag handler
-is defined in the instance variable \member{elements}.  The \var{tag}
-argument is the name of the tag, and the \var{method} argument is the
-function (method) which should be used to support semantic
-interpretation of the end tag.  For instance, for the endtag
-\code{</A>}, this method would be called as \code{handle_endtag('A',
-self.elements['A'][1])}.  The base implementation simply calls
-This method is called to process arbitrary data.  It is intended to be
-overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation does
-This method is called to process a character reference of the form
-\samp{\&\#\var{ref};}.  \var{ref} can either be a decimal number,
-or a hexadecimal number when preceded by an \character{x}.
-In the base implementation, \var{ref} must be a number in the
-range 0-255.  It translates the character to \ASCII{} and calls the
-method \method{handle_data()} with the character as argument.  If
-\var{ref} is invalid or out of range, the method
-\code{unknown_charref(\var{ref})} is called to handle the error.  A
-subclass must override this method to provide support for character
-references outside of the \ASCII{} range.
-This method is called when a comment is encountered.  The
-\var{comment} argument is a string containing the text between the
-\samp{<!--} and \samp{-->} delimiters, but not the delimiters
-themselves.  For example, the comment \samp{<!--text-->} will
-cause this method to be called with the argument \code{'text'}.  The
-default method does nothing.
-This method is called when a CDATA element is encountered.  The
-\var{data} argument is a string containing the text between the
-\samp{<![CDATA[} and \samp{]]>} delimiters, but not the delimiters
-themselves.  For example, the entity \samp{<![CDATA[text]]>} will
-cause this method to be called with the argument \code{'text'}.  The
-default method does nothing, and is intended to be overridden.
-\begin{methoddesc}{handle_proc}{name, data}
-This method is called when a processing instruction (PI) is
-encountered.  The \var{name} is the PI target, and the \var{data}
-argument is a string containing the text between the PI target and the
-closing delimiter, but not the delimiter itself.  For example, the
-instruction \samp{<?XML text?>} will cause this method to be called
-with the arguments \code{'XML'} and \code{'text'}.  The default method
-does nothing.  Note that if a document starts with \samp{<?xml
-..?>}, \method{handle_xml()} is called to handle it.
-This method is called when a declaration is encountered.  The
-\var{data} argument is a string containing the text between the
-\samp{<!} and \samp{>} delimiters, but not the delimiters
-themselves.  For example, the \index{ENTITY declaration}entity
-declaration \samp{<!ENTITY text>} will cause this method to be called
-with the argument \code{'ENTITY text'}.  The default method does
-nothing.  Note that \samp{<!DOCTYPE ...>} is handled separately if it
-is located at the start of the document.
-This method is called when a syntax error is encountered.  The
-\var{message} is a description of what was wrong.  The default method 
-raises a \exception{RuntimeError} exception.  If this method is
-overridden, it is permissible for it to return.  This method is only
-called when the error can be recovered from.  Unrecoverable errors
-raise a \exception{RuntimeError} without first calling
-\begin{methoddesc}{unknown_starttag}{tag, attributes}
-This method is called to process an unknown start tag.  It is intended
-to be overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation
-does nothing.
-This method is called to process an unknown end tag.  It is intended
-to be overridden by a derived class; the base class implementation
-does nothing.
-This method is called to process unresolvable numeric character
-references.  It is intended to be overridden by a derived class; the
-base class implementation does nothing.
-This method is called to process an unknown entity reference.  It is
-intended to be overridden by a derived class; the base class
-implementation calls \method{syntax_error()} to signal an error.
-  \seetitle[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml]{Extensible Markup Language
-            (XML) 1.0}{The XML specification, published by the World
-            Wide Web Consortium (W3C), defines the syntax and
-            processor requirements for XML.  References to additional
-            material on XML, including translations of the
-            specification, are available at
-            \url{http://www.w3.org/XML/}.}
-  \seetitle[http://www.python.org/topics/xml/]{Python and XML
-            Processing}{The Python XML Topic Guide provides a great
-            deal of information on using XML from Python and links to
-            other sources of information on XML.}
-  \seetitle[http://www.python.org/sigs/xml-sig/]{SIG for XML
-            Processing in Python}{The Python XML Special Interest
-            Group is developing substantial support for processing XML
-            from Python.}
-\subsection{XML Namespaces \label{xml-namespace}}
-This module has support for XML namespaces as defined in the XML
-Namespaces proposed recommendation.
-Tag and attribute names that are defined in an XML namespace are
-handled as if the name of the tag or element consisted of the
-namespace (the URL that defines the namespace) followed by a
-space and the name of the tag or attribute.  For instance, the tag
-\code{<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40'>} is treated as if 
-the tag name was \code{'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40 html'}, and
-the tag \code{<html:a href='http://frob.com'>} inside the above
-mentioned element is treated as if the tag name were
-\code{'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40 a'} and the attribute name as
-if it were \code{'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40 href'}.
-An older draft of the XML Namespaces proposal is also recognized, but
-triggers a warning.
-  \seetitle[http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/]{Namespaces in XML}{
-           This World Wide Web Consortium recommendation describes the
-           proper syntax and processing requirements for namespaces in
-           XML.}

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/test_xmllib.py
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/test_xmllib.py	Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-'''Test module to thest the xmllib module.
-   Sjoerd Mullender
-testdoc = """\
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes' ?>
-<!-- comments aren't allowed before the <?xml?> tag,
-     but they are allowed before the <!DOCTYPE> tag -->
-<?processing instructions are allowed in the same places as comments ?>
-<!DOCTYPE greeting [
-  <!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>
-<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>
-nsdoc = "<foo xmlns='URI' attr='val'/>"
-import warnings
-warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".* xmllib .* obsolete.*",
-                        DeprecationWarning, r'xmllib$')
-from test import test_support
-import unittest
-import xmllib
-class XMLParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_simple(self):
-        parser = xmllib.XMLParser()
-        for c in testdoc:
-            parser.feed(c)
-        parser.close()
-    def test_default_namespace(self):
-        class H(xmllib.XMLParser):
-            def unknown_starttag(self, name, attr):
-                self.name, self.attr = name, attr
-        h=H()
-        h.feed(nsdoc)
-        h.close()
-        # The default namespace applies to elements...
-        self.assertEquals(h.name, "URI foo")
-        # but not to attributes
-        self.assertEquals(h.attr, {'attr':'val'})
-def test_main():
-    test_support.run_unittest(XMLParserTestCase)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_main()

Modified: python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/xmltests.py
--- python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/xmltests.py	(original)
+++ python/branches/p3yk/Lib/test/xmltests.py	Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
@@ -17,5 +17,4 @@

Deleted: /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/xmllib.py
--- /python/branches/p3yk/Lib/xmllib.py	Tue Apr 17 10:39:58 2007
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
-"""A parser for XML, using the derived class as static DTD."""
-# Author: Sjoerd Mullender.
-import re
-import string
-import warnings
-warnings.warn("The xmllib module is obsolete.  Use xml.sax instead.", DeprecationWarning)
-del warnings
-version = '0.3'
-class Error(RuntimeError):
-    pass
-# Regular expressions used for parsing
-_S = '[ \t\r\n]+'                       # white space
-_opS = '[ \t\r\n]*'                     # optional white space
-_Name = '[a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9._:]*'    # valid XML name
-_QStr = "(?:'[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\")"        # quoted XML string
-illegal = re.compile('[^\t\r\n -\176\240-\377]') # illegal chars in content
-interesting = re.compile('[]&<]')
-amp = re.compile('&')
-ref = re.compile('&(' + _Name + '|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+)[^-a-zA-Z0-9._:]')
-entityref = re.compile('&(?P<name>' + _Name + ')[^-a-zA-Z0-9._:]')
-charref = re.compile('&#(?P<char>[0-9]+[^0-9]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+[^0-9a-fA-F])')
-space = re.compile(_S + '$')
-newline = re.compile('\n')
-attrfind = re.compile(
-    _S + '(?P<name>' + _Name + ')'
-    '(' + _opS + '=' + _opS +
-    '(?P<value>'+_QStr+'|[-a-zA-Z0-9.:+*%?!\(\)_#=~]+))?')
-starttagopen = re.compile('<' + _Name)
-starttagend = re.compile(_opS + '(?P<slash>/?)>')
-starttagmatch = re.compile('<(?P<tagname>'+_Name+')'
-                      '(?P<attrs>(?:'+attrfind.pattern+')*)'+
-                      starttagend.pattern)
-endtagopen = re.compile('</')
-endbracket = re.compile(_opS + '>')
-endbracketfind = re.compile('(?:[^>\'"]|'+_QStr+')*>')
-tagfind = re.compile(_Name)
-cdataopen = re.compile(r'<!\[CDATA\[')
-cdataclose = re.compile(r'\]\]>')
-# this matches one of the following:
-# SYSTEM SystemLiteral
-# PUBLIC PubidLiteral SystemLiteral
-_SystemLiteral = '(?P<%s>'+_QStr+')'
-_PublicLiteral = '(?P<%s>"[-\'\(\)+,./:=?;!*#@$_%% \n\ra-zA-Z0-9]*"|' \
-                        "'[-\(\)+,./:=?;!*#@$_%% \n\ra-zA-Z0-9]*')"
-_ExternalId = '(?:SYSTEM|' \
-                 'PUBLIC'+_S+_PublicLiteral%'pubid'+ \
-              ')'+_S+_SystemLiteral%'syslit'
-doctype = re.compile('<!DOCTYPE'+_S+'(?P<name>'+_Name+')'
-                     '(?:'+_S+_ExternalId+')?'+_opS)
-xmldecl = re.compile('<\?xml'+_S+
-                     'version'+_opS+'='+_opS+'(?P<version>'+_QStr+')'+
-                     '(?:'+_S+'encoding'+_opS+'='+_opS+
-                        "(?P<encoding>'[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9._]*'|"
-                        '"[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9._]*"))?'
-                     '(?:'+_S+'standalone'+_opS+'='+_opS+
-                        '(?P<standalone>\'(?:yes|no)\'|"(?:yes|no)"))?'+
-                     _opS+'\?>')
-procopen = re.compile(r'<\?(?P<proc>' + _Name + ')' + _opS)
-procclose = re.compile(_opS + r'\?>')
-commentopen = re.compile('<!--')
-commentclose = re.compile('-->')
-doubledash = re.compile('--')
-attrtrans = string.maketrans(' \r\n\t', '    ')
-# definitions for XML namespaces
-_NCName = '[a-zA-Z_][-a-zA-Z0-9._]*'    # XML Name, minus the ":"
-ncname = re.compile(_NCName + '$')
-qname = re.compile('(?:(?P<prefix>' + _NCName + '):)?' # optional prefix
-                   '(?P<local>' + _NCName + ')$')
-xmlns = re.compile('xmlns(?::(?P<ncname>'+_NCName+'))?$')
-# XML parser base class -- find tags and call handler functions.
-# Usage: p = XMLParser(); p.feed(data); ...; p.close().
-# The dtd is defined by deriving a class which defines methods with
-# special names to handle tags: start_foo and end_foo to handle <foo>
-# and </foo>, respectively.  The data between tags is passed to the
-# parser by calling self.handle_data() with some data as argument (the
-# data may be split up in arbitrary chunks).
-class XMLParser:
-    attributes = {}                     # default, to be overridden
-    elements = {}                       # default, to be overridden
-    # parsing options, settable using keyword args in __init__
-    __accept_unquoted_attributes = 0
-    __accept_missing_endtag_name = 0
-    __map_case = 0
-    __accept_utf8 = 0
-    __translate_attribute_references = 1
-    # Interface -- initialize and reset this instance
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        self.__fixed = 0
-        if 'accept_unquoted_attributes' in kw:
-            self.__accept_unquoted_attributes = kw['accept_unquoted_attributes']
-        if 'accept_missing_endtag_name' in kw:
-            self.__accept_missing_endtag_name = kw['accept_missing_endtag_name']
-        if 'map_case' in kw:
-            self.__map_case = kw['map_case']
-        if 'accept_utf8' in kw:
-            self.__accept_utf8 = kw['accept_utf8']
-        if 'translate_attribute_references' in kw:
-            self.__translate_attribute_references = kw['translate_attribute_references']
-        self.reset()
-    def __fixelements(self):
-        self.__fixed = 1
-        self.elements = {}
-        self.__fixdict(self.__dict__)
-        self.__fixclass(self.__class__)
-    def __fixclass(self, kl):
-        self.__fixdict(kl.__dict__)
-        for k in kl.__bases__:
-            self.__fixclass(k)
-    def __fixdict(self, dict):
-        for key in dict.keys():
-            if key[:6] == 'start_':
-                tag = key[6:]
-                start, end = self.elements.get(tag, (None, None))
-                if start is None:
-                    self.elements[tag] = getattr(self, key), end
-            elif key[:4] == 'end_':
-                tag = key[4:]
-                start, end = self.elements.get(tag, (None, None))
-                if end is None:
-                    self.elements[tag] = start, getattr(self, key)
-    # Interface -- reset this instance.  Loses all unprocessed data
-    def reset(self):
-        self.rawdata = ''
-        self.stack = []
-        self.nomoretags = 0
-        self.literal = 0
-        self.lineno = 1
-        self.__at_start = 1
-        self.__seen_doctype = None
-        self.__seen_starttag = 0
-        self.__use_namespaces = 0
-        self.__namespaces = {'xml':None}   # xml is implicitly declared
-        # backward compatibility hack: if elements not overridden,
-        # fill it in ourselves
-        if self.elements is XMLParser.elements:
-            self.__fixelements()
-    # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA) till EOF
-    def setnomoretags(self):
-        self.nomoretags = self.literal = 1
-    # For derived classes only -- enter literal mode (CDATA)
-    def setliteral(self, *args):
-        self.literal = 1
-    # Interface -- feed some data to the parser.  Call this as
-    # often as you want, with as little or as much text as you
-    # want (may include '\n').  (This just saves the text, all the
-    # processing is done by goahead().)
-    def feed(self, data):
-        self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data
-        self.goahead(0)
-    # Interface -- handle the remaining data
-    def close(self):
-        self.goahead(1)
-        if self.__fixed:
-            self.__fixed = 0
-            # remove self.elements so that we don't leak
-            del self.elements
-    # Interface -- translate references
-    def translate_references(self, data, all = 1):
-        if not self.__translate_attribute_references:
-            return data
-        i = 0
-        while 1:
-            res = amp.search(data, i)
-            if res is None:
-                return data
-            s = res.start(0)
-            res = ref.match(data, s)
-            if res is None:
-                self.syntax_error("bogus `&'")
-                i = s+1
-                continue
-            i = res.end(0)
-            str = res.group(1)
-            rescan = 0
-            if str[0] == '#':
-                if str[1] == 'x':
-                    str = chr(int(str[2:], 16))
-                else:
-                    str = chr(int(str[1:]))
-                if data[i - 1] != ';':
-                    self.syntax_error("`;' missing after char reference")
-                    i = i-1
-            elif all:
-                if str in self.entitydefs:
-                    str = self.entitydefs[str]
-                    rescan = 1
-                elif data[i - 1] != ';':
-                    self.syntax_error("bogus `&'")
-                    i = s + 1 # just past the &
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    self.syntax_error("reference to unknown entity `&%s;'" % str)
-                    str = '&' + str + ';'
-            elif data[i - 1] != ';':
-                self.syntax_error("bogus `&'")
-                i = s + 1 # just past the &
-                continue
-            # when we get here, str contains the translated text and i points
-            # to the end of the string that is to be replaced
-            data = data[:s] + str + data[i:]
-            if rescan:
-                i = s
-            else:
-                i = s + len(str)
-    # Interface - return a dictionary of all namespaces currently valid
-    def getnamespace(self):
-        nsdict = {}
-        for t, d, nst in self.stack:
-            nsdict.update(d)
-        return nsdict
-    # Internal -- handle data as far as reasonable.  May leave state
-    # and data to be processed by a subsequent call.  If 'end' is
-    # true, force handling all data as if followed by EOF marker.
-    def goahead(self, end):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        i = 0
-        n = len(rawdata)
-        while i < n:
-            if i > 0:
-                self.__at_start = 0
-            if self.nomoretags:
-                data = rawdata[i:n]
-                self.handle_data(data)
-                self.lineno = self.lineno + data.count('\n')
-                i = n
-                break
-            res = interesting.search(rawdata, i)
-            if res:
-                j = res.start(0)
-            else:
-                j = n
-            if i < j:
-                data = rawdata[i:j]
-                if self.__at_start and space.match(data) is None:
-                    self.syntax_error('illegal data at start of file')
-                self.__at_start = 0
-                if not self.stack and space.match(data) is None:
-                    self.syntax_error('data not in content')
-                if not self.__accept_utf8 and illegal.search(data):
-                    self.syntax_error('illegal character in content')
-                self.handle_data(data)
-                self.lineno = self.lineno + data.count('\n')
-            i = j
-            if i == n: break
-            if rawdata[i] == '<':
-                if starttagopen.match(rawdata, i):
-                    if self.literal:
-                        data = rawdata[i]
-                        self.handle_data(data)
-                        self.lineno = self.lineno + data.count('\n')
-                        i = i+1
-                        continue
-                    k = self.parse_starttag(i)
-                    if k < 0: break
-                    self.__seen_starttag = 1
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + rawdata[i:k].count('\n')
-                    i = k
-                    continue
-                if endtagopen.match(rawdata, i):
-                    k = self.parse_endtag(i)
-                    if k < 0: break
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + rawdata[i:k].count('\n')
-                    i =  k
-                    continue
-                if commentopen.match(rawdata, i):
-                    if self.literal:
-                        data = rawdata[i]
-                        self.handle_data(data)
-                        self.lineno = self.lineno + data.count('\n')
-                        i = i+1
-                        continue
-                    k = self.parse_comment(i)
-                    if k < 0: break
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + rawdata[i:k].count('\n')
-                    i = k
-                    continue
-                if cdataopen.match(rawdata, i):
-                    k = self.parse_cdata(i)
-                    if k < 0: break
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + rawdata[i:k].count('\n')
-                    i = k
-                    continue
-                res = xmldecl.match(rawdata, i)
-                if res:
-                    if not self.__at_start:
-                        self.syntax_error("<?xml?> declaration not at start of document")
-                    version, encoding, standalone = res.group('version',
-                                                              'encoding',
-                                                              'standalone')
-                    if version[1:-1] != '1.0':
-                        raise Error('only XML version 1.0 supported')
-                    if encoding: encoding = encoding[1:-1]
-                    if standalone: standalone = standalone[1:-1]
-                    self.handle_xml(encoding, standalone)
-                    i = res.end(0)
-                    continue
-                res = procopen.match(rawdata, i)
-                if res:
-                    k = self.parse_proc(i)
-                    if k < 0: break
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + rawdata[i:k].count('\n')
-                    i = k
-                    continue
-                res = doctype.match(rawdata, i)
-                if res:
-                    if self.literal:
-                        data = rawdata[i]
-                        self.handle_data(data)
-                        self.lineno = self.lineno + data.count('\n')
-                        i = i+1
-                        continue
-                    if self.__seen_doctype:
-                        self.syntax_error('multiple DOCTYPE elements')
-                    if self.__seen_starttag:
-                        self.syntax_error('DOCTYPE not at beginning of document')
-                    k = self.parse_doctype(res)
-                    if k < 0: break
-                    self.__seen_doctype = res.group('name')
-                    if self.__map_case:
-                        self.__seen_doctype = self.__seen_doctype.lower()
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + rawdata[i:k].count('\n')
-                    i = k
-                    continue
-            elif rawdata[i] == '&':
-                if self.literal:
-                    data = rawdata[i]
-                    self.handle_data(data)
-                    i = i+1
-                    continue
-                res = charref.match(rawdata, i)
-                if res is not None:
-                    i = res.end(0)
-                    if rawdata[i-1] != ';':
-                        self.syntax_error("`;' missing in charref")
-                        i = i-1
-                    if not self.stack:
-                        self.syntax_error('data not in content')
-                    self.handle_charref(res.group('char')[:-1])
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + res.group(0).count('\n')
-                    continue
-                res = entityref.match(rawdata, i)
-                if res is not None:
-                    i = res.end(0)
-                    if rawdata[i-1] != ';':
-                        self.syntax_error("`;' missing in entityref")
-                        i = i-1
-                    name = res.group('name')
-                    if self.__map_case:
-                        name = name.lower()
-                    if name in self.entitydefs:
-                        self.rawdata = rawdata = rawdata[:res.start(0)] + self.entitydefs[name] + rawdata[i:]
-                        n = len(rawdata)
-                        i = res.start(0)
-                    else:
-                        self.unknown_entityref(name)
-                    self.lineno = self.lineno + res.group(0).count('\n')
-                    continue
-            elif rawdata[i] == ']':
-                if self.literal:
-                    data = rawdata[i]
-                    self.handle_data(data)
-                    i = i+1
-                    continue
-                if n-i < 3:
-                    break
-                if cdataclose.match(rawdata, i):
-                    self.syntax_error("bogus `]]>'")
-                self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
-                i = i+1
-                continue
-            else:
-                raise Error('neither < nor & ??')
-            # We get here only if incomplete matches but
-            # nothing else
-            break
-        # end while
-        if i > 0:
-            self.__at_start = 0
-        if end and i < n:
-            data = rawdata[i]
-            self.syntax_error("bogus `%s'" % data)
-            if not self.__accept_utf8 and illegal.search(data):
-                self.syntax_error('illegal character in content')
-            self.handle_data(data)
-            self.lineno = self.lineno + data.count('\n')
-            self.rawdata = rawdata[i+1:]
-            return self.goahead(end)
-        self.rawdata = rawdata[i:]
-        if end:
-            if not self.__seen_starttag:
-                self.syntax_error('no elements in file')
-            if self.stack:
-                self.syntax_error('missing end tags')
-                while self.stack:
-                    self.finish_endtag(self.stack[-1][0])
-    # Internal -- parse comment, return length or -1 if not terminated
-    def parse_comment(self, i):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        if rawdata[i:i+4] != '<!--':
-            raise Error('unexpected call to handle_comment')
-        res = commentclose.search(rawdata, i+4)
-        if res is None:
-            return -1
-        if doubledash.search(rawdata, i+4, res.start(0)):
-            self.syntax_error("`--' inside comment")
-        if rawdata[res.start(0)-1] == '-':
-            self.syntax_error('comment cannot end in three dashes')
-        if not self.__accept_utf8 and \
-           illegal.search(rawdata, i+4, res.start(0)):
-            self.syntax_error('illegal character in comment')
-        self.handle_comment(rawdata[i+4: res.start(0)])
-        return res.end(0)
-    # Internal -- handle DOCTYPE tag, return length or -1 if not terminated
-    def parse_doctype(self, res):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        n = len(rawdata)
-        name = res.group('name')
-        if self.__map_case:
-            name = name.lower()
-        pubid, syslit = res.group('pubid', 'syslit')
-        if pubid is not None:
-            pubid = pubid[1:-1]         # remove quotes
-            pubid = ' '.join(pubid.split()) # normalize
-        if syslit is not None: syslit = syslit[1:-1] # remove quotes
-        j = k = res.end(0)
-        if k >= n:
-            return -1
-        if rawdata[k] == '[':
-            level = 0
-            k = k+1
-            dq = sq = 0
-            while k < n:
-                c = rawdata[k]
-                if not sq and c == '"':
-                    dq = not dq
-                elif not dq and c == "'":
-                    sq = not sq
-                elif sq or dq:
-                    pass
-                elif level <= 0 and c == ']':
-                    res = endbracket.match(rawdata, k+1)
-                    if res is None:
-                        return -1
-                    self.handle_doctype(name, pubid, syslit, rawdata[j+1:k])
-                    return res.end(0)
-                elif c == '<':
-                    level = level + 1
-                elif c == '>':
-                    level = level - 1
-                    if level < 0:
-                        self.syntax_error("bogus `>' in DOCTYPE")
-                k = k+1
-        res = endbracketfind.match(rawdata, k)
-        if res is None:
-            return -1
-        if endbracket.match(rawdata, k) is None:
-            self.syntax_error('garbage in DOCTYPE')
-        self.handle_doctype(name, pubid, syslit, None)
-        return res.end(0)
-    # Internal -- handle CDATA tag, return length or -1 if not terminated
-    def parse_cdata(self, i):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        if rawdata[i:i+9] != '<![CDATA[':
-            raise Error('unexpected call to parse_cdata')
-        res = cdataclose.search(rawdata, i+9)
-        if res is None:
-            return -1
-        if not self.__accept_utf8 and \
-           illegal.search(rawdata, i+9, res.start(0)):
-            self.syntax_error('illegal character in CDATA')
-        if not self.stack:
-            self.syntax_error('CDATA not in content')
-        self.handle_cdata(rawdata[i+9:res.start(0)])
-        return res.end(0)
-    __xml_namespace_attributes = {'ns':None, 'src':None, 'prefix':None}
-    # Internal -- handle a processing instruction tag
-    def parse_proc(self, i):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        end = procclose.search(rawdata, i)
-        if end is None:
-            return -1
-        j = end.start(0)
-        if not self.__accept_utf8 and illegal.search(rawdata, i+2, j):
-            self.syntax_error('illegal character in processing instruction')
-        res = tagfind.match(rawdata, i+2)
-        if res is None:
-            raise Error('unexpected call to parse_proc')
-        k = res.end(0)
-        name = res.group(0)
-        if self.__map_case:
-            name = name.lower()
-        if name == 'xml:namespace':
-            self.syntax_error('old-fashioned namespace declaration')
-            self.__use_namespaces = -1
-            # namespace declaration
-            # this must come after the <?xml?> declaration (if any)
-            # and before the <!DOCTYPE> (if any).
-            if self.__seen_doctype or self.__seen_starttag:
-                self.syntax_error('xml:namespace declaration too late in document')
-            attrdict, namespace, k = self.parse_attributes(name, k, j)
-            if namespace:
-                self.syntax_error('namespace declaration inside namespace declaration')
-            for attrname in attrdict.keys():
-                if not attrname in self.__xml_namespace_attributes:
-                    self.syntax_error("unknown attribute `%s' in xml:namespace tag" % attrname)
-            if not 'ns' in attrdict or not 'prefix' in attrdict:
-                self.syntax_error('xml:namespace without required attributes')
-            prefix = attrdict.get('prefix')
-            if ncname.match(prefix) is None:
-                self.syntax_error('xml:namespace illegal prefix value')
-                return end.end(0)
-            if prefix in self.__namespaces:
-                self.syntax_error('xml:namespace prefix not unique')
-            self.__namespaces[prefix] = attrdict['ns']
-        else:
-            if name.lower() == 'xml':
-                self.syntax_error('illegal processing instruction target name')
-            self.handle_proc(name, rawdata[k:j])
-        return end.end(0)
-    # Internal -- parse attributes between i and j
-    def parse_attributes(self, tag, i, j):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        attrdict = {}
-        namespace = {}
-        while i < j:
-            res = attrfind.match(rawdata, i)
-            if res is None:
-                break
-            attrname, attrvalue = res.group('name', 'value')
-            if self.__map_case:
-                attrname = attrname.lower()
-            i = res.end(0)
-            if attrvalue is None:
-                self.syntax_error("no value specified for attribute `%s'" % attrname)
-                attrvalue = attrname
-            elif attrvalue[:1] == "'" == attrvalue[-1:] or \
-                 attrvalue[:1] == '"' == attrvalue[-1:]:
-                attrvalue = attrvalue[1:-1]
-            elif not self.__accept_unquoted_attributes:
-                self.syntax_error("attribute `%s' value not quoted" % attrname)
-            res = xmlns.match(attrname)
-            if res is not None:
-                # namespace declaration
-                ncname = res.group('ncname')
-                namespace[ncname or ''] = attrvalue or None
-                if not self.__use_namespaces:
-                    self.__use_namespaces = len(self.stack)+1
-                continue
-            if '<' in attrvalue:
-                self.syntax_error("`<' illegal in attribute value")
-            if attrname in attrdict:
-                self.syntax_error("attribute `%s' specified twice" % attrname)
-            attrvalue = attrvalue.translate(attrtrans)
-            attrdict[attrname] = self.translate_references(attrvalue)
-        return attrdict, namespace, i
-    # Internal -- handle starttag, return length or -1 if not terminated
-    def parse_starttag(self, i):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        # i points to start of tag
-        end = endbracketfind.match(rawdata, i+1)
-        if end is None:
-            return -1
-        tag = starttagmatch.match(rawdata, i)
-        if tag is None or tag.end(0) != end.end(0):
-            self.syntax_error('garbage in starttag')
-            return end.end(0)
-        nstag = tagname = tag.group('tagname')
-        if self.__map_case:
-            nstag = tagname = nstag.lower()
-        if not self.__seen_starttag and self.__seen_doctype and \
-           tagname != self.__seen_doctype:
-            self.syntax_error('starttag does not match DOCTYPE')
-        if self.__seen_starttag and not self.stack:
-            self.syntax_error('multiple elements on top level')
-        k, j = tag.span('attrs')
-        attrdict, nsdict, k = self.parse_attributes(tagname, k, j)
-        self.stack.append((tagname, nsdict, nstag))
-        if self.__use_namespaces:
-            res = qname.match(tagname)
-        else:
-            res = None
-        if res is not None:
-            prefix, nstag = res.group('prefix', 'local')
-            if prefix is None:
-                prefix = ''
-            ns = None
-            for t, d, nst in self.stack:
-                if prefix in d:
-                    ns = d[prefix]
-            if ns is None and prefix != '':
-                ns = self.__namespaces.get(prefix)
-            if ns is not None:
-                nstag = ns + ' ' + nstag
-            elif prefix != '':
-                nstag = prefix + ':' + nstag # undo split
-            self.stack[-1] = tagname, nsdict, nstag
-        # translate namespace of attributes
-        attrnamemap = {} # map from new name to old name (used for error reporting)
-        for key in attrdict.keys():
-            attrnamemap[key] = key
-        if self.__use_namespaces:
-            nattrdict = {}
-            for key, val in attrdict.items():
-                okey = key
-                res = qname.match(key)
-                if res is not None:
-                    aprefix, key = res.group('prefix', 'local')
-                    if self.__map_case:
-                        key = key.lower()
-                    if aprefix is not None:
-                        ans = None
-                        for t, d, nst in self.stack:
-                            if aprefix in d:
-                                ans = d[aprefix]
-                        if ans is None:
-                            ans = self.__namespaces.get(aprefix)
-                        if ans is not None:
-                            key = ans + ' ' + key
-                        else:
-                            key = aprefix + ':' + key
-                nattrdict[key] = val
-                attrnamemap[key] = okey
-            attrdict = nattrdict
-        attributes = self.attributes.get(nstag)
-        if attributes is not None:
-            for key in attrdict.keys():
-                if not key in attributes:
-                    self.syntax_error("unknown attribute `%s' in tag `%s'" % (attrnamemap[key], tagname))
-            for key, val in attributes.items():
-                if val is not None and not key in attrdict:
-                    attrdict[key] = val
-        method = self.elements.get(nstag, (None, None))[0]
-        self.finish_starttag(nstag, attrdict, method)
-        if tag.group('slash') == '/':
-            self.finish_endtag(tagname)
-        return tag.end(0)
-    # Internal -- parse endtag
-    def parse_endtag(self, i):
-        rawdata = self.rawdata
-        end = endbracketfind.match(rawdata, i+1)
-        if end is None:
-            return -1
-        res = tagfind.match(rawdata, i+2)
-        if res is None:
-            if self.literal:
-                self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
-                return i+1
-            if not self.__accept_missing_endtag_name:
-                self.syntax_error('no name specified in end tag')
-            tag = self.stack[-1][0]
-            k = i+2
-        else:
-            tag = res.group(0)
-            if self.__map_case:
-                tag = tag.lower()
-            if self.literal:
-                if not self.stack or tag != self.stack[-1][0]:
-                    self.handle_data(rawdata[i])
-                    return i+1
-            k = res.end(0)
-        if endbracket.match(rawdata, k) is None:
-            self.syntax_error('garbage in end tag')
-        self.finish_endtag(tag)
-        return end.end(0)
-    # Internal -- finish processing of start tag
-    def finish_starttag(self, tagname, attrdict, method):
-        if method is not None:
-            self.handle_starttag(tagname, method, attrdict)
-        else:
-            self.unknown_starttag(tagname, attrdict)
-    # Internal -- finish processing of end tag
-    def finish_endtag(self, tag):
-        self.literal = 0
-        if not tag:
-            self.syntax_error('name-less end tag')
-            found = len(self.stack) - 1
-            if found < 0:
-                self.unknown_endtag(tag)
-                return
-        else:
-            found = -1
-            for i in range(len(self.stack)):
-                if tag == self.stack[i][0]:
-                    found = i
-            if found == -1:
-                self.syntax_error('unopened end tag')
-                return
-        while len(self.stack) > found:
-            if found < len(self.stack) - 1:
-                self.syntax_error('missing close tag for %s' % self.stack[-1][2])
-            nstag = self.stack[-1][2]
-            method = self.elements.get(nstag, (None, None))[1]
-            if method is not None:
-                self.handle_endtag(nstag, method)
-            else:
-                self.unknown_endtag(nstag)
-            if self.__use_namespaces == len(self.stack):
-                self.__use_namespaces = 0
-            del self.stack[-1]
-    # Overridable -- handle xml processing instruction
-    def handle_xml(self, encoding, standalone):
-        pass
-    # Overridable -- handle DOCTYPE
-    def handle_doctype(self, tag, pubid, syslit, data):
-        pass
-    # Overridable -- handle start tag
-    def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs):
-        method(attrs)
-    # Overridable -- handle end tag
-    def handle_endtag(self, tag, method):
-        method()
-    # Example -- handle character reference, no need to override
-    def handle_charref(self, name):
-        try:
-            if name[0] == 'x':
-                n = int(name[1:], 16)
-            else:
-                n = int(name)
-        except ValueError:
-            self.unknown_charref(name)
-            return
-        if not 0 <= n <= 255:
-            self.unknown_charref(name)
-            return
-        self.handle_data(chr(n))
-    # Definition of entities -- derived classes may override
-    entitydefs = {'lt': '&#60;',        # must use charref
-                  'gt': '&#62;',
-                  'amp': '&#38;',       # must use charref
-                  'quot': '&#34;',
-                  'apos': '&#39;',
-                  }
-    # Example -- handle data, should be overridden
-    def handle_data(self, data):
-        pass
-    # Example -- handle cdata, could be overridden
-    def handle_cdata(self, data):
-        pass
-    # Example -- handle comment, could be overridden
-    def handle_comment(self, data):
-        pass
-    # Example -- handle processing instructions, could be overridden
-    def handle_proc(self, name, data):
-        pass
-    # Example -- handle relatively harmless syntax errors, could be overridden
-    def syntax_error(self, message):
-        raise Error('Syntax error at line %d: %s' % (self.lineno, message))
-    # To be overridden -- handlers for unknown objects
-    def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): pass
-    def unknown_endtag(self, tag): pass
-    def unknown_charref(self, ref): pass
-    def unknown_entityref(self, name):
-        self.syntax_error("reference to unknown entity `&%s;'" % name)
-class TestXMLParser(XMLParser):
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        self.testdata = ""
-        XMLParser.__init__(self, **kw)
-    def handle_xml(self, encoding, standalone):
-        self.flush()
-        print('xml: encoding =',encoding,'standalone =',standalone)
-    def handle_doctype(self, tag, pubid, syslit, data):
-        self.flush()
-        print('DOCTYPE:',tag, repr(data))
-    def handle_data(self, data):
-        self.testdata = self.testdata + data
-        if len(repr(self.testdata)) >= 70:
-            self.flush()
-    def flush(self):
-        data = self.testdata
-        if data:
-            self.testdata = ""
-            print('data:', repr(data))
-    def handle_cdata(self, data):
-        self.flush()
-        print('cdata:', repr(data))
-    def handle_proc(self, name, data):
-        self.flush()
-        print('processing:',name,repr(data))
-    def handle_comment(self, data):
-        self.flush()
-        r = repr(data)
-        if len(r) > 68:
-            r = r[:32] + '...' + r[-32:]
-        print('comment:', r)
-    def syntax_error(self, message):
-        print('error at line %d:' % self.lineno, message)
-    def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
-        self.flush()
-        if not attrs:
-            print('start tag: <' + tag + '>')
-        else:
-            print('start tag: <' + tag, end=' ')
-            for name, value in attrs.items():
-                print(name + '=' + '"' + value + '"', end=' ')
-            print('>')
-    def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
-        self.flush()
-        print('end tag: </' + tag + '>')
-    def unknown_entityref(self, ref):
-        self.flush()
-        print('*** unknown entity ref: &' + ref + ';')
-    def unknown_charref(self, ref):
-        self.flush()
-        print('*** unknown char ref: &#' + ref + ';')
-    def close(self):
-        XMLParser.close(self)
-        self.flush()
-def test(args = None):
-    import sys, getopt
-    from time import time
-    if not args:
-        args = sys.argv[1:]
-    opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'st')
-    klass = TestXMLParser
-    do_time = 0
-    for o, a in opts:
-        if o == '-s':
-            klass = XMLParser
-        elif o == '-t':
-            do_time = 1
-    if args:
-        file = args[0]
-    else:
-        file = 'test.xml'
-    if file == '-':
-        f = sys.stdin
-    else:
-        try:
-            f = open(file, 'r')
-        except IOError as msg:
-            print(file, ":", msg)
-            sys.exit(1)
-    data = f.read()
-    if f is not sys.stdin:
-        f.close()
-    x = klass()
-    t0 = time()
-    try:
-        if do_time:
-            x.feed(data)
-            x.close()
-        else:
-            for c in data:
-                x.feed(c)
-            x.close()
-    except Error as msg:
-        t1 = time()
-        print(msg)
-        if do_time:
-            print('total time: %g' % (t1-t0))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    t1 = time()
-    if do_time:
-        print('total time: %g' % (t1-t0))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test()

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