[pytest-dev] Invitation to Sprints day @ Pycascades '23

Chethana Gopinath chethana at pycascades.com
Fri Feb 10 19:28:08 EST 2023


My name is Chethana and I’m the Sprints Chair at Pycascades '23.

We came across Pytest <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest> and felt that
it would add immense value to our participants and allow for them to learn
more about tools to simplify writing tests, how to implement that
functionality within a tool and also provide them with exposure into open
source software and its processes.

So I wanted to reach out and see if you would be interested in
participating with your project at Sprints
<https://2023.pycascades.com/program/sprints/> at Pycascades this year.

If you would like to participate, please reply to this email directly, fill
out this interest form <https://bit.ly/PyCascades2023SprintIntakeForm> or
contact us at sprints at pycascades.com.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Thank you!

*Chethana Gopinath*
Sprints Chair, PyCascades 2023
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