[pytest-dev] looking for additional maintainers for pytest-asyncio

Ronny Pfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Fri Dec 31 08:23:59 EST 2021

Hi everyone,

unfortunatelyTin Tvrtković,
the maintainer of pytest-asyncio is currently
not in a position to do more than the bare minimum for pytest-asyncio.

As such PRs and PR review stalled.

Pytest-core want to help the project, however neither me, nor a good 
part of pytest-core is that familiar with async/asyncio yet.

As such neither pytest-core nor Tin are in a position to mentor someone 
new/unfamiliar into pytest-asyncio.

As such, we'd appreciate if someone that's already familiar could step 
up in order for the project to gain some more traction again

Anyone interested please reach out to the pytest-dev ml and/or me 

Regards, Ronny
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