[pytest-dev] proposal: plugin metadata

Eduardo Schettino schettino72 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 04:32:21 EDT 2021


I would like to propose a mechanism to improve the plugin list page.

Currently there are over 800 plugins and relying on someone manually
curated them is not really feasible.
So the idea is to allow plugin authors to set some metadata that could in
turn be used to generate a more informative plugins page.

More specifically it should:

Clearly state to which version of pytest the plugin is compatible.
Currently it shows the last release date and minimum required version.
But it is not really clear if the latest version of pytest is

Define one or more categories. Going through a list of 800+ plugins is a
lot of work.
Could define categories like:
 - framework-integration: i.e. pytest-airflow, pytest-django
 - output/report: i.e. pytest-clarity
 - coverage
 - ordering
 - etc..

In future could also add some more stuff, like download stats, github
stars, etc.

So the first step would be to define a schema and agree on a format (JSON?).
What do you guys think?

As a reference see how grafana does it:

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