[pytest-dev] Plugin for test suite execution

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Sun Sep 13 15:05:26 EDT 2020

Hi Sivaram,

Hope you are well and nice that you wrote a pytest plugin!  As far as I
recall pytest by default already executes tests in the order they are
defined in the source code though.  I guess this was not expressive
enough for your needs?

As for advertising, it's best to follow the advice on
https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/writing_plugins.html which mentions
how to use PyPI classifiers.  Also read about the plugin compat project
linked from there, making sure that finds your plugin is a good
indication of how discoverable your plugin is.

Finally, just be aware this is a mailing list of anyone interested in
pytest development and not specifically an admin person.  I'm just one
random person answering.


On Sat 12 Sep 2020 at 11:08 +0000, sivaram shibu wrote:

> Dear Admin,
>                 I was working in a project which uses Pytest framework for testing purpose and we were blocked when we encountered a situation were the test cases has to be executed in a user defined manner , so after doing proper research I have developed a plugin which have satisfied our need , so I thought of making this plugin a global one so other developers might use this feature in their work based on the requirement. Please find the code in the following repository and help me making this plugin a common one among the Pytest community , I was all open for any suggestions.
> https://github.com/SivaRamSV/Pytest_Test_suite_sequence
> Thanks and Regards,
> Sivaram SV.
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