[pytest-dev] also leaving pytest-dev for now

Leni Kadali Mutungi lenikmutungi at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 00:12:49 EDT 2020

Hi Matt.

If you're looking for a non-Twitter source of info here we go:


Bruno's comment when sharing this link was:

You can take that from there... it is small things like that that get to 

On 2020-04-11 23:47, Matt Griswold wrote:
> Is there a thread somewhere to see what's going on for those of us who
> rarely twitter?
> Sorry to see everyone go -- but yes, enjoy your Easter! :)
> * Ronny Pfannschmidt <opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> [200411 17:30 +0200]:
>> Hi Dinu,
>> i can understand your anger and sadness.
>> I left the CoC team over the handling of this.
>> Now that i removed myself from the Situation
>> and the Position of Responsibility i am free to resolve the Fallout
>>    as i want.
>> I believe i can speak for all 3 of us when i say that we don't want
>>    to obtain "justice" and "Resolution" by a angry mob.
>> I for myself will go an enjoy easter with my family and
>> will sort out the rest once i have my mind and feelings settled.
>> I appreciate you get angry for us, because it shows you care,
>> i wish you a positive outlet for that, from own experience
>> i know that part can be tricky.
>> -- Ronny
>> Am 11.04.20 um 10:46 schrieb Dinu Gherman:
>>> This makes me very sad for all three of you who leave), and I don’t
>>>    understand why in the “discussion” so far at least on twitter
>>>    everybody tries to be “politically correct” and not discuss the
>>>    cause of this issue. To me it seems like the CoCs that so many
>>>    were proud of having do not work as intended. And for our
>>>    community it would be better to handle such “issues” in the same
>>>    “open” way that we are proud of doing when working on “open
>>>    source”. We have too many bastards ruining the world already.
>>> Best,
>>> Dinu
>>>> On 10. Apr 2020, at 23:05, Ronny Pfannschmidt
>>>>    <opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> after contemplaing a while i decided to join Bruno and Anthony.
>>>> When i returned from my hiatus i declared that joy will be
>>>>    important,
>>>> currently that joy is absent.
>>>> -- Ronny
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-- Kind regards,
Leni Kadali Mutungi

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