[pytest-dev] also leaving pytest-dev for now

Ronny Pfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Sat Apr 11 11:30:52 EDT 2020

Hi Dinu,

i can understand your anger and sadness.
I left the CoC team over the handling of this.
Now that i removed myself from the Situation
and the Position of Responsibility i am free to resolve the Fallout as i 

I believe i can speak for all 3 of us when i say that we don't want to 
obtain "justice" and "Resolution" by a angry mob.

I for myself will go an enjoy easter with my family and
will sort out the rest once i have my mind and feelings settled.

I appreciate you get angry for us, because it shows you care,
i wish you a positive outlet for that, from own experience
i know that part can be tricky.

-- Ronny

Am 11.04.20 um 10:46 schrieb Dinu Gherman:

> This makes me very sad for all three of you who leave), and I don’t understand why in the “discussion” so far at least on twitter everybody tries to be “politically correct” and not discuss the cause of this issue. To me it seems like the CoCs that so many were proud of having do not work as intended. And for our community it would be better to handle such “issues” in the same “open” way that we are proud of doing when working on “open source”. We have too many bastards ruining the world already.
> Best,
> Dinu
>> On 10. Apr 2020, at 23:05, Ronny Pfannschmidt <opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> after contemplaing a while i decided to join Bruno and Anthony.
>> When i returned from my hiatus i declared that joy will be important,
>> currently that joy is absent.
>> -- Ronny
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