[pytest-dev] [core] Tidelift Funding

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Mon May 6 10:03:30 EDT 2019

Hi Ronny,

On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 11:09 AM Ronny Pfannschmidt <
opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> wrote:

> i think its a good idea to have this as a opt-in.
> Currently a Fair Share Mechanism on a opt in basis seems fair,
> if we ever hit a situation where someone could have a reasonably set up
> part/full-time position primarily on pytest we should take a look at how
> division is fair in that case.

Agreed, thanks Ronny.

If nobody objects, I plan to move this forward later this week.

One question is how do we track which maintainers are opting to receive

I'm thinking of opening an issue which lists the contributors receiving the
funding; maintainers are then free to post a comment indicating if they
want to start/stop receiving funding, at which point we update the original
post. Another option would be to use the Wiki, but we don't receive change
notifications so there's a chance of we getting out of sync with the
configuration on Tidelift. Suggestions?

Another question is regarding admins of the Tidelift dashboard. I volunteer
to do it, but would like more people to also be admins to reduce the bus
factor, so other volunteers are appreciated as well.


> -- Ronny
> Am 03.05.19 um 14:11 schrieb Bruno Oliveira:
> Hi Floris,
> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 2:25 PM Floris Bruynooghe <flub at devork.be> wrote:
>> Why the rules about active?  Seems complicated and more open to
>> arguing.  I liked the Pillow guidelines you linked:
>> https://github.com/orgs/pytest-dev/teams/contributors can express
>> interest and https://github.com/orgs/pytest-dev/teams/core decides on
>> split (which I guess can be anything from 0% to 100%).  With the same
>> assumption that the core members are reasonable that should end up as
>> roughly the same.
>> Mind you in practice I have no issue with the above proposal of people
>> right now, but would also not mind if e.g. hpk or ronny wanted to be
>> part right now (I'll pass myself).  Likewise there are probably cases
>> where I wouldn't mind people not in core being paid for some time.
> I wrote those "rules" just to come up with a solid proposal in the e-mail,
> but I do like yours better. Letting developers opt-in to a share is fair
> and reasonable, certainly.
> I think we should even always split the funding evenly between those
> opting to receive it, to further avoid any arguing on that.
> But in general I'm +1, let's make it happen if there's anyone interested
>> in getting paid.
> Great, let's see what others think.
> Cheers,
> Bruno.
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