[pytest-dev] Keeping failing test ids for git bisect

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Thu May 2 05:28:16 EDT 2019


On Thu, May 02, 2019 at 11:22:08AM +0200, Florian Schulze wrote:
> Is there a way to run a bunch of tests like with --lf but don't clear
> the cache when they pass? This would be mighty helpful for git bisect.
> For now I helped myself by copying the test ids, but that requires
> editing the list copied from the terminal before being able to paste
> them to the command line.

I've needed something similar before (like when I want to run a set of failing
tests, but maybe run some other set in between).

What would be nice is something like a --save-collected <name> and
--load-collected <name>. Then you could do "--lf --save-collected bisect" once,
and do "--load-collected bisect" to rerun exactly those tests.

I wanted to write a plugin for that for months (if not years) now, but never
got around to it. So far I've also done what you described.

Florian (the other one :P)

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