[pytest-dev] Custom reporting for asserts without comparison operators?

RonnyPfannschmidt opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de
Thu Mar 22 18:45:35 EDT 2018

i don't see under what criteria that test is sensible in terms of
if the helper does the assert, you do not need a assert statement
if the helper does not do the assert, the python assertion mechanism on
its own is unable to provide the meta-data

as such that test is really only able to test a non-integrated solution
and i don't consider it to be of value when talking about integration

-- Ronny

Am 22.03.2018 um 16:35 schrieb Shawn Brown:
> Would a return value helper--as you are thinking about it--be able to
> handle cases like test_3passing()?
>     def test_3passing():
>         with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo:
>             assert myfunc(41)
>         assert 'custom report' in str(excinfo.value)
> I've looked around the code base but I'm not sure where best to hack
> on things. I've played with changes to
> _pytest.assertion.rewrite._saferepr() but this doesn't seem to be the
> right place to address this sort of change (newline handling and other
> details are handled elsewhere).
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 4:12 AM, Ronny Pfannschmidt
> <rpfannsc at redhat.com <mailto:rpfannsc at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     that approach is broken in the sense, that it breaks behaviour
>     expectations,
>     an return value helper, that triggers an assertion on its own is
>     simply no longer a return value helper, but a assertion helper
>     supporting it like that would result in a really bad api
>     instead having  assertion helper that returns a "truthy" object
>     which can be introspected by pytest and/or negated should be more
>     suitable
>     2018-03-22 3:39 GMT+01:00 Shawn Brown <03sjbrown at gmail.com
>     <mailto:03sjbrown at gmail.com>>:
>         Ah. It's good to see that this has been thought about before. 
>         My motivation for asking this question was to perform my due
>         diligence and make sure I wasn't missing something before
>         moving ahead. My immediate need is handled by using
>         assert_myfunc() to raise its own error internally--same as
>         Floris' example. Though, it's not ideal.
>         I know my examples have been vague as I've stripped the
>         specifics of my project to focus the question specifically on
>         pytest's behavior and I greatly appreciate everyone who is
>         giving some thought to this.
>         As Ronny mentioned, I'm sure it's possible to address this
>         without user-facing AST manipulation. But I'm not familiar
>         enough with the code base to see where I can best hack on the
>         representations. However, I do have a working AST-based
>         demonstration (below). This uses a fragile monkey-patch that
>         is just asking for trouble so please take this for the
>         experimental hack it is...
>         FILE "conftest.py":
>             import ast
>             import _pytest
>             def my_ast_prerewrite_hook(ast_assert):
>                 """Modifies AST of certain asserts before
>         pytest-rewriting."""
>                 # Demo AST-tree manipulation (actual implemenation
>                 # would need to be more careful than this).
>                 if (isinstance(ast_assert.test, ast.Call)
>                         and isinstance(ast_assert.test.func, ast.Name)
>                         and ast_assert.test.func.id
>         <http://ast_assert.test.func.id> == 'myfunc'):
>                     ast_assert.test.func = ast.Name('assert_myfunc',
>         ast.Load())
>                 return ast_assert
>             class
>         ModifiedRewriter(_pytest.assertion.rewrite.AssertionRewriter):
>                 def visit_Assert(self, assert_):
>                     assert_ = my_ast_prerewrite_hook(assert_)  # <-
>                     return super(ModifiedRewriter,
>         self).visit_Assert(assert_)
>             def rewrite_asserts(mod, module_path=None, config=None):
>                 ModifiedRewriter(module_path, config).run(mod)
>             _pytest.assertion.rewrite.rewrite_asserts = rewrite_asserts
>         FILE "test_ast_hook_approach.py":
>             import pytest
>             # Test helpers.
>             def myfunc(x):
>                 return x == 42
>             def assert_myfunc(x):
>                 __tracebackhide__ = True
>                 if not myfunc(x):
>                     msg = 'custom report\nmulti-line
>         output\nmyfunc({0}) failed'
>                     raise AssertionError(msg.format(x))
>                 return True
>             # Test cases.
>             def test_1passing():
>                 assert myfunc(42)
>             def test_2passing():
>                 assert myfunc(41) is False
>             def test_3passing():
>                 with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as excinfo:
>                     assert myfunc(41)
>                 assert 'custom report' in str(excinfo.value)
>             def test_4failing():
>                 assert myfunc(41)
>         Running the above test gives 3 passing cases and 1 failing
>         case (which uses the custom report). Also, test_2passing()
>         checks for "is False" instead of just "== False" which I think
>         would be wonderful to support as it removes all caveats for
>         the user (so users get a real False when they expect False,
>         instead of a Falsey alternative). Also, if I were going to use
>         AST manipulation like this, I would probably reference
>         assert_myfunc() by attaching it as a private attribute to
>         myfunc() itself -- and then reference it with ast.Attribute()
>         node instead of an ast.Name(). But again, solving this without
>         AST manipulation could be better in many ways.
>         --Shawn
>         On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 1:59 PM, Ronny Pfannschmidt
>         <ich at ronnypfannschmidt.de <mailto:ich at ronnypfannschmidt.de>>
>         wrote:
>             hi everyone,
>             this is just about single value assertion helpers
>             i logged an feature request about that a few year back
>             see https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/95
>             <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/95> -
>             so basically this use-case was known since 2011 ^^ and
>             doesn't require
>             ast rewriting lice macros,
>             just proper engineering of the representation and handling
>             of single
>             values in the assertion rewriter.
>             -- Ronny

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