[pytest-dev] Google Summer of Code

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 15:33:58 EST 2017

On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 1:10 AM Ana Ribeiro <aninhacostaribeiro at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> About what would we gain from that, Google gives U$D 5,500 for every
> student who completes the program plus U$D 500 to the organization for
> every student mentored... So if we had like 4 students, plus the
> contribution to the project, we would get maybe new contributors to the
> project, plus U$D 2,000 (which is not a lot, but to a small organization
> such as Pytest, it would mean a good addition).

Hmm that's interesting, didn't realize that. That money would be a welcome
towards our next sprint.

> I think that many people that I meet in Sprint could be a great mentor
> (you, Bruno; Brianna, Holger, etc)... I would say that maybe it would take
> like 5 hours a week per student (Dave, is it too much or too little?)... We
> have to present an idea list, so it would be good if every possible mentor
> could present at least one idea. I created a fake organization profile just
> to see the application form, and then I copied what I found here:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ilHJDlvm2hj4y9CEW_belAOBJzVARdzMb3ubxCdEUY/edit?usp=sharing

About ideas, I think we have quite a few small enhancements which could be
tackled by a new study, for example:

* get rid of "ImportMismatchError" #2042
* add option to see skip reason and verbose #2044
* RFC: parametrizing conditional raising with pytest.raises #1830
* Allow users to explicitly specify the path of the root directory #1642

We have some other improvements which are larger in scope, such as
eventually integrating pytest-catchlog into the core, there's a discussion
on how to handle asyncio test functions, etc.

Plus there's always a ton of bugs to solve.

Who wants to volunteer for mentoring? :)

> Another thing, I just saw that Python accepts sub org applications, for
> example, those were the sub orgs that worked with the main python
> organization last year:
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2016#Python_Sub-orgs_and_Project_Ideas,
> we can try to contact python org to see if Pytest can apply to be a sub org
> of Python.

Sounds good. Besides the visibility, what else applying as a sub org


> Best regards,
> Ana
> 2017-01-20 12:02 GMT-03:00 Dave Hunt <dhunt at mozilla.com>:
> This is a great idea! I blogged about my experiences with mentoring last
> year at
> http://davehunt.co.uk/mozilla/2016/09/26/lessons-from-mentoring.html and
> I’m happy to answer any questions.
> On 20 Jan 2017, at 12:49, Bruno Oliveira <nicoddemus at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ana,
> I think that is a great idea, thanks for bringing this to attention of the
> group!
> I did take a quick look at the site, and for those who don’t know (myself
> included) what it means for us (as Pytest organization), here’s an excerpt
> from their overview <https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/how-it-works/>:
> *Organizations*
> Open source projects apply to be mentor organizations. Once accepted,
> organizations discuss possible ideas with students and then decide on the
> proposals they wish to mentor for the summer. They provide mentors to help
> guide each student through the program.
> *Mentors*
> Existing contributors with the organizations can choose to mentor a
> student project. Mentors and students work together to determine
> appropriate milestones and requirements for the summer. Mentor interaction
> is a vital part of the program.
> So before moving ahead I think we just need to see if:
>    1. Who wants to volunteer to be a mentor? I suppose it doesn’t take
>    too much time, only a few hours per week to synchronize activities, track
>    progress and answer the eventual question from the student. Dave Hunt might
>    add some comments here based on his experience on mentoring Ana for Mozilla.
>    2. I think we have a ton of small improvements that could be tackled
>    by a learning student, but I suppose we can also try to work on a single
>    larger improvement. Either way, I think that’s for the mentor/student to
>    ultimately decide.
>    3. Anybody has any reason to oppose for applying at all?
> I think it is a great opportunity to promote pytest and help students
> around the globe.
> Although I would love to, I can’t volunteer as I already have little free
> time to work on pytest as it is. :/
> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Bruno.
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 12:13 AM Ana Ribeiro <aninhacostaribeiro at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello Fellows,
> Applications to Google Summer of Code to organizations are open! We should
> apply as Pytest!
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/
> I think I can help with the application (Writing it), but I can not be an
> organization admin because I am eligible to apply as a student and I think
> I'll do that (either applying to Mozilla or Pytest).
> Best Regards,
> Ana
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