[pytest-dev] Documentation proposal

Carol Willing willingc at willingconsulting.com
Mon Aug 7 11:49:23 EDT 2017


Just an FYI for those that use conda (and not virtualenv)... if you edit the Makefile html section and delete the portion of the line before sphinx-build then you can install the requirements.txt via pip, and build with make html.

Where do you want suggestions filed? I saw a few minor things such as Tutorial labeled as "Tutorial" in some places and "Introduction" in others. Breaking out the changelog to its own highlevel section would declutter the About section.

Thanks for doing this. We enjoy using pytest at Project Jupyter.


Carol Willing

Research Software Engineer
Project Jupyter at Cal Poly SLO

Signature Strengths
Empathy - Relator - Ideation - Strategic - Learner

> On Aug 6, 2017, at 10:49 PM, Daniele Procida <daniele at vurt.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 15, 2017, Daniele Procida <daniele at vurt.org> wrote:
>> I propose to restructure the pytest docmentation, according to this
>> scheme <https://divio.com/blog/documentation> (the rationale for the
>> scheme is described at length in that article).
> Hi,
> I have made a start on this since I first mentioned it at EuroPython.
> You can see the work so far at <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/compare/master...evildmp:documentation-restructure?expand=1>
> To try it out locally:
> Clone my branch and get into the right directory:
>    git clone -b documentation-restructure git at github.com:evildmp/pytest.git
>    cd pytest/doc/en
> Set up the virtualenv for the docs:
>    make install 
> Start the documentation server:
>    make run
> Checkout the new documentation at <http://localhost:8001>.
> Please note that there remains a lot more to do, but there is enough so far to get an idea of:
> * how it will be structured
> * what it will like
> I have many questions, which are in issues on my fork: <https://github.com/evildmp/pytest/issues/>. 
> Because commits land so fast in master (over 200 since I started working on this less than a month ago) it would be good to get some feedback on this and know whether this approach is going to be accepted into pytest. If so, I will be able to continue, with two main tasks:
> * build Brianna's tutorial into the documentation
> * work through every single page and ensure that all content is correctly placed in the appropriate section.
> Thanks,
> Daniele
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