[pytest-dev] the sorry state of pylib tests and pylib

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Tue Sep 27 12:42:21 EDT 2016

* holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> [2016-09-27 18:30:35 +0200]:
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 18:07 +0200, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> > * Bruno Oliveira <nicoddemus at gmail.com> [2016-09-27 14:25:43 +0000]:
> > > Yes, but those downstream projects would have the option o pinning to pylib
> > > < 2. Plus I think there must be almost no projects using it, it seems very
> > > pytest specific, that was one of the reasonings we used to justify
> > > vendoring py.code into pytest in the first place.
> > 
> > At least in Debian, only pytest and some pytest-plugins have a reverse
> > dependency on it:
> > 
> > pytest, pytest-cov, pytest-django, pytest-instafail, pytest-pylint,
> > pytest-xdist
> do you mean that in debian no packages depend on py?  What about tox to begin with?  

Oh, my bad - seems like apt-rdepends only shows packages installed
locally, and I apparently don't have tox installed on that machine...

> > I also really can't find anything significant with a few GitHub
> > searches either.
> and FWIW github searches shows a lot of hits for py.path.local() at least:
> https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%22py.path.local%22++extension%3Apy&type=Code&ref=searchresults

All those _metainfo.py matches are vendored
dependencies/eggs/virtualenvs in the repositories - this is the
_metainfo.py which is part of pylib.

I digged a bit deeper and found those matches:
- udir.py in cffi's testsuite
- nullpath.py as part of pypy/rpython
- test_linker.py as part of pylib
- conftest.py in various pytest testsuites
- confpath.py as part of pypy

After that I kind of gave up - but you're right that py.path probably
is in more widespread use than I thought.



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