[pytest-dev] Joining the sprint

Bruno Oliveira nicoddemus at gmail.com
Thu May 19 10:29:02 EDT 2016

Hi Stefan,

Are you talking about a specific issue, or in a more general way?

We have a list of general topics on the indiegogo page:

This list could be used as a basis to search issues to work on.


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 11:26 AM Farmer <farmi at web.de> wrote:

> Hello Holger and Floris,
> thank you once more for your help already now in advance. As I told you,
> you really do not have to bother about accommodation for me. I am fine
> in my camper and I will find a spot to park because I know Freiburg very
> well...lived there some years ago.
> Regarding my wishes on what to work on the sprint it's a bit of a
> challenge to find something in the issue tracker...too many
> possibilities and no ideas what is really important.
> I'm really ready to dive into any part.
> I guess it makes more sense if you tell me where you need help.
> So if you would give me an idea about a possible issue to work on, I
> would like to try to get into it before we start the sprint.
> And then I need only the time and place where we'll meet.
> Really looking forward to meet you all and work together!
> Stefan
> Am 19.05.2016 um 11:07 schrieb Holger Krekel:
> > I can see to ask the venue in june if you can stand on their parking lot
> which is nice and close to the green. Currently in Berlin and on travels
> till then. As to other people looking for accommodation I'd appreciate if
> you figure something out yourself or we'll figure something out in June.
> Still intending to look then into renting a flat for a week or two with
> multiple beds... They often are offered just in time at
> http://studenten-wg.de.  Cheers holger
> >
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