[pytest-dev] pytest-xvfb v0.1.0 released!

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Tue Feb 16 15:02:59 EST 2016


I'm happy to annouce another pytest plugin I wrote to scratch my own
itch, pytest-xvfb: https://github.com/The-Compiler/pytest-xvfb

This means you can run GUI tests locally without any windows popping
up (on Linux).

I'm aware that there are other plugins to use Xvfb via pytest, but the
aim of pytest-xvfb is to be dead simple: Install it, install Xvfb, and
your tests will run via Xvfb (unless you pass --no-xvfb).

If Xvfb is not installed, the tests will continue to run normally.

I just uploaded v0.1.0 to PyPI, and updated pytest-qt[1] and
qutebrowser[2] to use it.

Thanks to hackebrot and everyone else involved for the cookiecutter
template (which made creating a new plugin much easier again \o/), and
to @cgoldberg for xvfbwrapper which was the inspiration for this

Enjoy, and any feedback is appreciated!


[1] https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/pull/124
[2] https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/commit/5c617b861c2a517168c694519379982db666e971

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