[pytest-dev] [Proposal] adapting the Collective Code Construction Contract (which includes a switch to a weak share-alike license and limits branching models)

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Mon Feb 15 00:56:21 EST 2016

* Ronny Pfannschmidt <opensource at ronnypfannschmidt.de> [2016-02-15 00:06:33 +0100]:
> Hi everyone,
> in the last few weeks i researched the topic of Code of Conducts,
> i found many of them lacking, however the zeromq model strikes me as
> something designed much better
> The contract is described here: http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:22

That doesn't look like a code of conduct at all.

> A first point in that contract does look like a problem,
> which is the insistence on a share-alike license.
> After a reading i am under the strong impression that the MPL is
> perfectly fine for the purposes and usage of py.test,
> the main question is if our direct users (and/or their managers/law experts)
> can be helped to arrive at that conclusion as well.

Good luck relicensing a codebase with 140 contributors. What's the

> A second point that does look problematic is the limitation in branching
> models,
> however after poking Pieter Hintjens on the reason he promptly pointed me to
> http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Git-Branches-Considered-Harmful
> and
> http://hintjens.com/blog:106

Merging without looking at the CI and without code-review... What?

I'm sorry, but that post is full of bullshit from my POV:

    Maintainers inherently strive to remain important in their
    project. If they can keep out potential competitors by delaying
    and blocking their patches, they will.

    Mediocre contributors who make patches that no-one notices or
    cares about. - PM: we get a flamewar and everyone wonders why the
    community is so hostile.

    Trollish contributors who ignore the rules, and who write toxic
    patches. - we get a flamewar which troll wins by sheer force of
    argument. Community explodes in fight-or-flee emotions. Bad
    patches get pushed through.

I... don't have any words.


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