[pytest-dev] Moving pytest-rerunfailures to pytest-dev

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Feb 3 02:15:57 EST 2016

* Florian Pilz <fp at gocept.com> [2016-02-03 07:50:00 +0100]:
> Am 02.02.2016 um 15:45 schrieb Florian Bruhin <me at the-compiler.org>:
> > 
> > I added a pytest-rerunfailures-admin team and invited @florianpilz in
> > it. Florian, I think that means you should be able to transfer the
> > repository now.
> Thanks, I transferred the repository to pytest-dev. Currently it’s
> only part of the team “pytest-rerunfailures-admin”, since I didn’t
> know how you use teams. Please assign the project to the teams
> (probably Owners and Contributors).
> Since I want to keep the possibility to maintain the project, I
> guess I should request to join the Contributors team, right?

I think this is how it's handled currently:

- Every project has a pytest-xyz-admin team, with its projects admins
  in it, having admin permissions on the repo.

  This was already present, I now also added it as a repo admin team,
  so you should have full permissions to the repo again.

- Every project has a pytest-xyz-developers team, having write (but
  not admin) permission to the repo. I added the team and permissions,
  and it's currently empty. If you want to add any people there, I
  think we'll need to add them to the organization, and then you can
  add them to the team.

- The 'Contributors' group has write access to every project, and
  every project admin is in it. I added it to pytest-rerunfailures,
  and added you to the group.

Bruno, does this sound correct to you? I think it was you who came up
with that scheme, right? Would be nice to have it documented
somewhere, but I don't really know where. Maybe in CONTRIBUTING.


(We have at least 3 Florians and 1 Floris in the team now... Phew :D)

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