[pytest-dev] 3.0.1 tonight?

Florian Schulze mail at florian-schulze.net
Tue Aug 23 15:45:35 EDT 2016

I'd say it depends on how much work a release is. If it's ok for you, 
then do a release. If it takes too much time in comparison to the 
severity of the issues, then old back a bit longer.

Florian Schulze

On 23 Aug 2016, at 18:12, Bruno Oliveira wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Since 3.0.0 was released, two regressions have been reported and this
> afternoon the fix for the last one was merged.
> Unless someone still has some issue that they would like to work on 
> for
> this release, I was thinking of making a 3.0.1 release tonight. What 
> you
> guys think? Should we wait a few more days to see if other regressions 
> show
> up, or the two we found so far are enough to warrant a release?
> Cheers,
> Bruno
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