[pytest-dev] pytest and Mozilla's Open Source Support program

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Mon Aug 8 06:13:02 EDT 2016


via [1] (German) I just stumbled upon Mozilla's MOSS program[2].

They have a track[3] where they found generic OSS projects furthering
their mission, and another one[4] (probably more relevant to us) where
they fund projects they use themselves. From what I've seen via
Dave Hunt, Mozilla is quite a heavy pytest user with various plugins
they wrote.

The grants are between $10k and $250k. If time permits, this could
e.g. be used by Merlinux (i.e., Holger's company) to allow someone to
work on pytest (or possibly, tox/devpi - not sure if those are used at
Mozilla too?) full-time for a while.

It seems for the next round of founding, we'd have to apply until the
end of August.

I haven't really thought much about it yet, just thought I'd throw it
out here - thoughts?


[1] http://www.heise.de/developer/meldung/Mozilla-nimmt-PyPy-in-Foerderprogramm-auf-3289656.html
[2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/MOSS
[3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/MOSS/Mission_Partners
[4] https://wiki.mozilla.org/MOSS/Foundational_Technology

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