[pytest-dev] planet pytest

Florian Schulze florian.schulze at gmx.net
Sun Apr 10 15:14:22 EDT 2016


The planet setup is accessible at for now and the 
repository at https://github.com/fschulze/planet.pytest.org

The feeds are updated every hour.

You can add your blogs to 
https://github.com/fschulze/planet.pytest.org/blob/master/feeds.cfg and 
make a PR.

There currently is a problem with the HTML rendering. The HTML of the 
blog posts is supposed to be normalized, so that tags are closed 
properly. It looks like that doesn't work correctly. There currently 
seem to be too few closing divs, causing the sidebar to be at the wrong 
place in the DOM and not being rendered.

Instead of using Venus, I'll look into using http://www.planetplanet.org 
like planetpython.org.

Is there anything security critical running on *.pytest.org? If so we 
should rethink using planet.pytest.org to prevent any possibility of JS 
injection and cookie compromise.

When this setup is finished, I'd like to transfer the repository to the 
pytest-dev organization. I'll add proper documentation before that.

Florian Schulze

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