[pytest-dev] planet pytest

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Thu Apr 7 06:29:02 EDT 2016

Hi pytest-devers,

as there are many blog posts on pytest out there i am wondering
if we could inaugurate a "planet.pytest.org" site which aggregates
those blog posts.  I haven't administered such a site myself
but through rackspace open source funding i can provide a dedicated
VM which can host it and we could point the "planet.pytest.org" 
DNS entry to it.  ASFAIK planet or blog aggregation software
can pull posts according to tags or categories, e.g. here would
be mine:


Is anyone up for setting up a planet VM, using our logo
and maybe a bit of the current rough layout?  Ideally this
setup would be done by Ansible or Saltstack so that we can
recreate the site from a few deployment files.


P.S.: intend to finalize some details regarding the sprint,
probably posting them next week.

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