[pytest-dev] pytest-2.7.0 release package

Anatoly Bubenkov bubenkoff at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 20:46:05 CET 2015

Thank you for sharing your experience!
Worth an article!
On Mar 28, 2015 6:23 PM, "Peter" <p-santoro at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Outside of issue 701 that I reported just prior to the 2.7.0 release, I
> found no regressions in my usage of pytest (which I believe differs from
> the norm - see below).
> I use python with pytest to check for observational equivalence between
> actual and expected results of a business critical C#.NET application. My
> conftest.py script customizes py.test with fixtures that automate the
> running of selected tests and their subsequent analysis. This includes the
> driving and coordination of CLI and GUI .NET applications that were not
> designed to support automated testing.  This automated test facility also
> includes a package to extend pytest's functionality.  For example:
> - some fields (e.g. processing date) change with each run of the .NET
> application, which necessitates that certain fields in the actual and
> previously generated expected results are masked prior to using the
> built-in pytest assertions; I created a package to declaratively specify
> what fields are masked for various versioned record structures - the actual
> masking happens prior to using pytest assertions
> - the record structures for this .NET application are required via legacy
> downstream systems and are at least 5000 bytes long; if there are only one
> or two differences between the actual and expected results and the
> differences are close together, the built-in pytest assertions produce a
> nice report; if there are multiple differences and they are far from each
> other, the built-in pytest assertion report isn't very helpful; I added
> functionality to produce a list of the indices where values differ, which
> greatly simplifies troubleshooting
> The automated test facility that I built also includes a python
> application to automatically create automated test repository content for
> each test (i.e. test data, expected results, and the required py.test
> scripts).
> The benefits of using pytest in this manner are as follows:
> 1) Creating good unit tests requires additional software development work
> - including testing the unit tests themselves.  That's fine, if you have
> sufficiently competent developers and the necessary time to do so.  The
> automated test facility that I built doesn't require any additional
> programming (beyond what I've already done); therefore, even business users
> and less experienced developers can create test data for use by the
> automated test system.
> 2) Supports rapid regression testing while refactoring the existing .NET
> code base.
> 3) Manual testing and analysis that often took days (sometimes weeks) can
> now be done in minutes.
> 4) Troubleshooting regression failures has been greatly simplified.
> Thank you for producing a truly great piece of software!
> Peter Santoro
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