[pytest-dev] re-running pytest on file changes

Tibor Arpas tibor.arpas at infinit.sk
Fri Mar 27 15:55:31 CET 2015


I'm trying to wrap my head around this subject.

Is there a strong reason why the -f looponfail option is inside a plug-in?
My hunch would be to do it as a separate, flexible, command, but that's
just feelings without any experience.

Poll: Do you guys use looponfail? Has it been working good? Does it play
nice with other tasks you might want to do on file changes? What other
tools do you use for repeated tasks on source code changes?

What's the situation at the moment with --looponfail and --looponchange? Is
it going to be inside pytest_cache which will go into core? Or it will be a
different plug-in?

I've seen

and the "take in cache" PR.

P.S. some more thoughts about the same functionality are here:
and a script whith callbacks for every success and failure:
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