[pytest-dev] Crowdfunding a pytest plugin

Tibor Arpas tibor.arpas at infinit.sk
Fri Mar 13 16:39:20 CET 2015

Hi Florian

Longer ago you had some good points about selecting only tests affected by
recent changes as a basic functionality for our plugin - testmon.

We did more testing and thinking about these difficult questions and I
think they will not be that bad.

> I also thought about using something like coverage to only run affected
> tests. How much testing did you do in your prototype?

E.g. pytest test suite itself runs pretty nicely with testmon.

> Do you keep track of (pip/setuptools) installed packages (versions)?

Not yet, but I'm pretty sure a simple detection of changes under sys.path
that would trigger a full test run should be easy to implement and quick

Did you try changes at various levels like new files, modules, classes,
> metaclasses, mocks etc? Python is very dynamic as you most likely know :)

* files: sure
* modules, classes, metaclasses, mocks:
Unless I'm missing something this is not necessary. All of the dynamic
constructs are created deterministically in projects py files. If none of
the files involved in execution of a test is changed, then all of the
dynamic constructs will be the same in the next test run. Of course I might
be missing somethings, so if somebody has a good case please, let us know.

These things cause trouble for coveragepy (multiprocessing and gevent stuff
is beeing solved): http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/trouble.html

These are my thoughts about the dependencies of a test:

Thanks for help,

testmon - make your tests a breeze to execute http://igg.me/at/testmon

> Regards,
> Florian Schulze
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