[pytest-dev] EP2015 py.test gathering

Floris Bruynooghe flub at devork.be
Thu Jun 18 07:15:57 CEST 2015

Hi Tibor,

On 17 June 2015 at 01:54, Tibor Arpas <tibor.arpas at infinit.sk> wrote:
> I also booked everything yesterday. I'll be presenting "MASHING UP PY.TEST,
> COVERAGE.PY AND AST.PY TO TAKE TDD TO A NEW LEVEL" (about pytest-testmon) on
> Tuesday 15:45 :)

Nice, look forward to it.

> Will the developers and interested users of py.test meet at some time at the
> venue and talk? Let us know please on this list if something like that
> happens, I would love to attend, but I usually forget to follow twitter :).

I'm sure we will meet up at some point, would be great meet you as
well.  A bit long in advance right now but I'm sure we can use the
list to organise during EP.  Maybe it even makes sense to have some
wider meetup with users and adopt-py.test-month participants as a BOF
or so?


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