[pytest-dev] moving to git / issues?

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Wed Jun 3 18:01:27 CEST 2015

* Bruno Oliveira <nicoddemus at gmail.com> [2015-06-03 15:59:17 +0000]:
> > For the script, or for a playground to do the migration?
> I meant for the script... I agree that everyone should use their own
> playground for testing it. Added you and Anatoly as collaborators, feel
> free to commit any fixes there as you find it.
> Once the script to migrate the issues is stable, we can discuss the next
> steps in detail.

Can you please enable issues (so meta!) for the repo?

Then I suggest to continue discussions there, so people interested in
it can watch the repo, and everyone else doesn't get annoyed by the
mails on the ML :)


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